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Wade Reeves
Months have gone by since Ronin and I have been dating, and I decided that he deserves a gift from me because he's done so much for me these past months.

I've saved up a lot of money, thinking of all the possible gifts I could give him. I thought about it for quite a while, then got the idea.

I'll get him a suit. December was at daycare today, and thinking that, I decided it'd be best if Robin picked December up from daycare. I pulled my phone from my pocket and dialed his number.

"Hello?" He answered in an instant.

"Hey babe." I said. "Do you think that you could pick December up from daycare today? It ends at three." I told him.

"Yeah I can do that." He replied. "Look, beautiful, I'd love to have a longer chat with you, but I'm in a meeting right now and I gotta go."

"Why'd you pick up then?" I asked him.

"Because the beautiful love of my life has called and it could be important or it could be that you're reminding me of the beautiful life I have with you and your adorable baby girl." I began blushing. Yeah, he's kind of right. In a way.

"Well, I don't know what to say to that, but I have to go now too, so I love you. I'll see you when I get home." I told him.

"Alrighty, I love you too, bye." And he hung the phone up.

Ronin Bridgemond (meanwhile)
I'm in the seat, in front of everyone at the table, explaining how this collaboration will work. This is the company that contains two pests in it.

My phone began to ring, and once I saw who it was, I immediately stopped in the middle of my sentence and picked it up.

"Hello?" I answered with a bright smile.
"Hey babe." He called, in his adorable voice. "Do you think that you could pick December up from daycare today? It ends at three."

"Yeah I can do that." I replied back. "Look, beautiful, I'd love to have a longer chat with you, but I'm in a meeting right now and I gotta go."

"Why'd you pick up then?" Why wouldn't I pick up the phone for someone I fell so hard for? And he even makes me act out of character. In a good way of course.

"Because the beautiful love of my life has called and it could be important or it could be that you're reminding me of the beautiful life I have with you and your adorable baby girl." I had a wide, toothy smile on my face.

"Well, I don't know what to say to that, but I have to go now too, so I love you. I'll see you when I get home." He said.

"Alrighty, I love you too, bye." And I hung the phone up.

When I put my phone down, every sitting at the long rectangular table stared at me. I already knew what they were thinking.

He's weird. Is that really the CEO of the Bridgemond Corporations? He's known for being antisocial and never smiles, so why is he smiling? Who was that? He's so friggin' smitten for that person.

Their faces were telling me everything, but the faces I liked the most are Forts's and Brown's because they already knew who I was talking to. I could see how angry Forts was at me, but I could also see how mad Brown was at him.

"Alright, let's continue this meeting." Everyone became organized and sat up straight, ready to listen to what I have to say.
Just a heads up, and take note when I say this. -> I don't know <- if there will be mature content, but if there will be, just keep a lookout for it. You'll know it's mature before you read it.

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