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Ronin Bridgemond
My heart dropped. He was pregnant? Three weeks? With my child? Why didn't I know?

"Why did you not tell me? If you're scared that I wouldn't be happy, I am. I really am. I'm overjoyed to know that you're pregnant with my child." I told him. His menacing eyes towards me did not change.

"I didn't tell you because you're seeing someone else behind my back." I drew back away from Wade.

"What are you talking about?" I asked. "I love you. Why would I want to see someone else when I already have you?"

"Save your words for someone who actually cares. Don't act like you weren't passionately hugging that bitch the other day."

"Babe, I swear, it wasn't what it looked like." So she planned it huh? "She ran up to me and hugged me but I pushed her away." Wade rolled his eyes.

"Whatever. You fucking grabbed her waist! That shit didn't look like you pushed her away!"

"Even though it didn't, I swear, I pushed her away!" Wade huffed and just left the house. I fell to my knees, devastated.

I heard footsteps coming down the stairs. I look up and December is there.

"Please tell me you heard nothing." She looked at me.

"The other day, when that lady hugged you, mama looked really sad, and on the way home, he cried. The whole time. When we got out of the car, I saw that lady staring at mama, and waiting for him. Then when mama was close that lady ran and hugged you. We walked back to the car. I look back and that lady is smiling at mama."

I looked at December and smiled.

"I also saw you pushed that lady away." She also said.

"Well when he gets home, could you tell him what happened for me? While you're doing that, I'll also be solving this." I said, patting her head.

"I don't like seeing mama this way, and I don't like seeing Ronin this way. You love each other, and people who love each other shouldn't fight." I hugged her, tears streaming.

"Yeah, you're right."

Olivia Brown
I laid back on my couch, laughing. I saw that broken look on his face. And it overjoyed me. How does it feel? How does it feel to have someone you love go with someone else?

I checked the time.

"Gotta go for work now I guess."

Ronin Bridgemond
I was fuming as I sat in the office. When I saw Brown walk in, I shot up to my feet and stomped over to her.

"Office! Now!" I growled. There was a scared look on her face. When she stepped into my office, she shut the door behind her.

"Is there anything I could help you with, sir?" She asked.

"Why did you hug me the other day?" I asked blankly.

"I hugged you because I wanted to know how your build felt. What? You want another hug?" I scowled at her.

"You did it on purpose, and I know everything. I know you just wanted to get revenge because of something." Her poker face faltered.

"What are you talking about? I don't know what you mean." She said. I stood up and closed in on her.

"I'm a powerful man, you know that right? Usually, I don't abuse my power, but I do make exceptions. I could pay people to come and kidnap you, torture you. If you don't want that, I suggest you go and apologize to Wade. I have video footage. You want that getting out?"

Her breathing quickened and she began to cry and nodded.

"Words." I said aggressively.

"Yes sir."

"Good." I smiled. "Now, if you get in trouble one more time, I'll get your boss to fire you. Got it?"

"Yes sir." I pointed to the door and she left. I sat back in my chair and sighed.

Time to make it up to Wade.

I just want to say to everyone who is supporting my story, thank you for supporting this story and me

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I just want to say to everyone who is supporting my story, thank you for supporting this story and me. It really makes me happy that people like this story and such. And I can't express how much gratitude I have towards all of you. So yeah, thank you so much. 😊 Have a great rest of you guys' day!😊

A Mother and His LoverOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora