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Wade Reeves  (6 months into pregnancy)
Today is December sixteenth, which officially December's birthday. While she's out at daycare, the bodyguards and Ronin are helping decorate the house and buy all the food and such. We've decided to let her have her birthday with Stella, Jordan, and their two kids too.

As I stood in the middle of the living room, watching Ivan stick balloons on the wall, Ronin came over to me and wrapped his arm around my shoulder.

"She grows up quite fast, huh?" He said. I nodded.

"Yeah, she's five today, and when I close my eyes and open them again, she'll be in college." Tears threatened to come out but I held them back.

Preparations were done, and we were just waiting for Stella and the other three to arrive and we were also waiting for December's daycare to end. Lev and Ivan were going to pick her up, and when she stepped into the house, we would surprise her.

I heard the doorbell rang and I went to open the door. Stella, Jordan, Lucy, and Carter were waving excitedly waving as Stella held up a birthday bag.

She stepped in and hugged me.

"Your baby girl is growing up so fast, isn't she?"

"Yeah, Ronin said the same thing." They took their shoes off at the entrance. "You can set the bag over in the living room."

Ronin got a call and answered.

"Babe," he called. "The cake is ready to be picked up. So I'm gonna go leave to get it and I'll be back." He kissed me and left the house.

I felt someone two my leg. I look down and see Lucy hold up a card.

"This is for December." She said. I took it from her hands and set it back on the table in the middle of the living room. Carter also gave me a card, and I did the same thing with it.

Ronin came back with the cake. The cake read 'Happy Birthday December!' with her favorite flower in it, Baby's Breath, surrounded by pearls. She said her favorite color is white because white is pure, is soft, and signifies, to her, light and brightness.

"That's a pretty cake." Carter said.

All the decorations were finished, all her favorite foods were cooked and bought, and the cake was here. All we were missing was December. I checked the clock, five minutes before her daycare ends.

"Lev, Ivan," I called. They came over to me. "Go pick December up from Daycare now." I said. They walked out the door and drove off to get her.

Everyone here was excited and jumpy. This is the first birthday party that December is having. At least one that wasn't only just the two of us.

We heard the door unlocking and got into position, standing in front of the door. And when she walked in, Ronin and Jordan popped confetti everywhere.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!" We all yelled. Her smile was so big and adorable, it was lovely seeing her like this. She gave everyone a hug.

"Happy birthday, baby." I said. "You're growing way too fast for mama." She giggled.

"Happy birthday, happy." Ronin said to her. "Let's make sure your birthday is the best birthday ever, yeah?" She happily nodded.

"What do you want to do first?" I asked.

"I want to go see my gifts!" She yelled out in excitement. We all laughed and went into the living room. We handed her the bag from Stella, Jordan, Carter, and Lucy. Before she took out the paper from inside, she stopped.

"Hold up," she said. "We're missing people." We looked around.

"Like who?" I asked.

"All the body guards." She said. "They deserve and break, and plus, since they've been helping mama and me, they should enjoy a party with us." Ronin nodded.

"She's right." And he called all of them in. The door flooded with them and they marched in, standing in position.

"There are comfortable clothes in the closet over there for you guys. Go chance into those and come celebrate with us." They looked around confused. "You heard me, go." They all followed orders and went.

The birthday party was fun, everyone laughing, playing, talking, it was just lively. And it's the most fun I've had in a while. I think it's the same for December.

Once everyone left, it was now just Ronin, December, and I. I slid a gift out from behind my back.

"Although we already have you a gift," I told her. "This gift will keep us all connected." When she opened the box, there were three gold necklaces in it, one with a star, one with a moon, and one with a sun. Ronin took the one with the sun on it out of the box.

"You're our sun because you've kept us all together. Even in the hardest time, you shed your light on us and helped us overcome our hardships. That's why you're our brightest star." She smiled as he put the necklace around her neck.

"You look beautiful, baby." I said quietly and kissed her forehead. Ronin and I put ours on, Ronin getting the moon, and me getting the star.

That night, December slept between the two of us, our arms hugging her tightly and securely, sleeping soundly.

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