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Ronin Bridgemond
I was sitting at my desk, checking papers and information, approving and disapproving them. I heard a knock come to my door.

"Come in." I called. The door opened, and in walked my right hand man, Lev. "What do you need?" I asked.

"Sir, I found evidence of someone tracking Wade as I kept watch on him. Here are pictures I took." He set a folder on the table, and when I opened it, pictures of a man in all black, a black car, and other suspicious photos were there.

"How long has this been going on?" I asked.

"About three weeks to a month." Lev replied. I nodded. Even though I seemed calm, I wasn't. I was fuming on the inside, flames boiling my blood. And Lev could tell. I immediately grabbed the glass off my desk and threw it at the opposite wall.

"DAMN!" I yelled. My secretary burst into the room.

"Is everything alright, Mr. Bridgemond?" Anger rose again.

"Get. The. FUCK. OUT OF MY OFFICE!" I yelled and she did as she was told. I sat back in my seat and huffed. "Lev, if you don't mind, could you pick that up?" Lev nodded and began picking the glass shards up. He swept them into a dust pan and emptied it into the trash.

I was still angry, but I knew that if I was fuming that I wouldn't think rationally and screw everything up.

"Lev," I called."I'm going home. Whenever I call for you just come to my house."

"Right." He replied. I packed my stuff and left. When I opened the door, my anger immediately vanished. I saw Wade playing with December on the floor in the living room.

"Hey babe." I said, walking towards them. "Hello to you Happy." I kissed Wade's forehead and ruffled December's hair.

"I'm gonna go up and change. I'll be back down in a bit." I went up to my room and took my suit off. I changed into some more comfortable clothes and went back down. I sat down on the floor with them and began playing with them, but then my smile faded.

"Wade, there's something we need to talk about." I told him.

"What is it?" He asked.

"My right hand man has been keeping an eye on you, making sure nothing happens to you when I'm not around for about a month now, and he found out that there has been someone watching you. He even got pictures." I showed him the pictures. He studied them and looked back up at me.

"I'm not the one he should be watching. It should be December he's looking after." He glared at me, which gave me chills. "I want your strongest man guarding my daughter."

"Okay, I'll get that done as soon as possible, my love." I kissed his forehead and we got back to playing, as if he never even said a thing about us being watched.

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