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Wade Reeves
I woke up feeling pretty good. Ronin was laying on the other side with December in the middle of the both of us. I sat up and softly as I could to not wake them

Slowly got out of bed and walked into and drank some water, then began preparing breakfast.

Minutes later, Ronin, along with December being carried in his arms, comes down the stairs.

"Good morning you two." I say.

"Good morning mama." December says back as she rubbed her tired little eyes. Ronin walked over after putting December down and kissed my cheek.

"Good morning lovely." I giggled. I flipped the last pancake and laid it on the plate. I set the table and we all sat down. December was happily eating. After she found out that we'd be living together m, she seems even more happy.

"You know mama," she said. "Ronin should be doing the cooking, remember? He's the one taking care of us. Mama shouldn't have to lift a finger." As she said the last part she held up her tiny index finger. I shook my head and tapped her nose.

"Finish your breakfast." She giggled and smiled. Ronin smiled at me too.

"She's not wrong though. Thank you for reminding me, Ember." We ate breakfast happily together.

And after breakfast was done, Ronin got ready for work, putting on the new suit I bought him, some black shoes, styling his hair, brushing his teeth, you get the point. As I stood by the door for him, along with December, he walked over, kissed her head, kissed me, and left.

That meant December and I had the whole house to ourselves, and so we decided to binge watch some shows. And a few episodes into a show, December asks for a bowl of popcorn, so I got into the kitchen and pop the popcorn in the microwave. I come back to the living room with the both and begin eating it with her.

All of a sudden, I felt sick and ran to the bathroom, throwing up. December ran into the bathroom.

"Is everything okay mama?" She asked.

"I don't think so." I replied. "I was fine this morning. Why not now?"

"Mama, if this goes on you should see a doctor." I nodded.

"You're right." I replied back.

And sure enough it kept happening, so we decided to just see a doctor.

We waited in the lounge for a few minutes until the doctor called me into his office. After all of the check ups and such, he sat me down and stared at me. A long moment of awkward silence, along with anxiousness strung through the air.

He sighed.

"You're two and a half weeks pregnant." He told me flatly.

"What?!" I asked. "Could you say that one more time?"

"You're two weeks pregnant." He repeated. "Do you know who the father is?" He asked. I nodded. He showed me pictures of the inside of my stomach and gave them to me.

He led me out of his office, and as I walked through the hallway with December's hand in mine and told her:

"December, baby, you're gonna be a big sister." I said. She jumped up and down and squealed.

"Really?!" I nodded. "Are we gonna tell Ronin?" I nodded again. She squealed even more.

We drove to Ronin's workplace, seeing him walk into the building. We got out of the car, I had December's hand on one hand and the pictures in the other. As I got closer to Ronin, I saw Olivia run up to him and hug him tightly, throwing her arms around his neck. I saw him grab her waist and I turned away.

"Mama?" December called.

"Let's come back later." I told her. "He seems to be a little busy." Tears were threatening to stream down my cheeks as we walked back to the car and drove back home.

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