36 - Choose

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The night went well, with Taehyung going home with Yoongi and Jungkook taking Jimin to the younger's apartment for them to spend the weekend.

Once they were in the car alone, Jungkook in the driver's seat and Jimin in the passenger seat, Jungkook began driving as he spoke up.

"What was that in there?" Jungkook smirked as he asked his lover about the incident with the woman, and Jimin magically falling on his lap.

Jimin scoffed.

"As if you don't know. If you think I'm going to watch a woman ask you for your number then you're mistaken, sweetheart," Jimin rolled his eyes as he looked out the windshield. Jungkook chuckled darkly.

"Sweetheart? Oh, I like that. You sound really sexy when you're giving me an attitude, Angel. I have to resist from pulling over right now and taking you in the backseat," Jungkook said darkly as they drove in the night towards their destination.

"Bold of you to assume I'd let you take me," Jimin shot back. Deep down he was upset that Jungkook didn't even mention the fact that he was taken.

"Aww, Angel... I think I'm going to have to work on that mouth of yours because you're too smart for your own good," Jungkook chuckled, reaching a hand over to hold Jimin's hand, resting their hands on the younger's thigh. Jimin just huffed, but didn't pull away, loving the affection.

"I know you wanted me to tell her I wasn't single but you know I couldn't. Rumors would spread quickly and my dad would find out. It'll be bad. I promise, I will speak to my dad soon so we can go public," Jungkook said sweetly, knowing his lover all too well.

Jimin snapped his gaze towards Jungkook who was driving towards Jimin's apartment.

"You- You'll do that for us?" Jimin asked his lover as he held a bewildered expression.

"Of course, I will. Hiding our relationship is torture for me. Every moment I just want to hold you or kiss you in public, I have to hold back. Gets really annoying after a while. I just want to be able to openly express who I am and how I feel. I've felt this way for years but now that I'm in love with you, it's getting more impossible to hold back. Like today at the bowling alley?" Jungkook said to his lover as they held hands while he drove into the street that Jimin's apartment was located.

"I get you, but what if...what if I'm not good enough to be with you?" Jimin asked.

It will always be an issue in his mind. People know him and his reputation as Sapphire. Some people didn't look at him or judge him much but if the public found out that Jimin was dating the most eligible bachelor of his years, then a riot would start. Mainly because, Jimin and Jungkook's status don't clash.

Jungkook turned his head to face his lover briefly, before returning his eyes to the road.

"Let's get one thing clear, Angel. We will not give a fuck about anyone's opinions, do I make myself clear? Because at the end of the day, it's our relationship, our time, our effort, our love and our life. Nobody has the right to make things difficult for us, unless we let them. We're going to love each other despite the odds, do you understand?" Jungkook spoke sternly, wanting his lover to understand the seriousness of the conversation. This is because to Jungkook, there was nobody worth leaving Jimin for.

Nobody's opinions mattered to him. It shouldn't matter to Jimin either because only the two of them know how hard they've worked to get here. Only they know how hard they've had to try to be able to hold on and confess. Only they know the struggles they have faced because it's easier for society to judge their relationship than it is for society to walk a mile in their shoes.

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