24 - Violation

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The next day, Jungkook was in his office, waiting for Taehyung to arrive with a much awaited guest.

Jungkook sat in his office chair, legs crossed as he leaned back in his chair, sleeves of his red dress shirt rolled up to his elbows because Lord knows he wasn't going to play games today.

Then, Taehyung entered with Mr. Choi, manager of HR. Jungkook's eyes narrowed at his employee as the old man entered, his gray hair shining enough for Jungkook to see. He never really paid attention to his employees this much but now he did.

As soon as Mr. Choi entered, Jungkook regained his posture, exuding confidence and looking quite intimidating, as compared to his usual happy and warm aura. Today, he was furious.

Just last night he and Jimin fixed things between them, becoming a couple, however, they still had a problem to deal with. While Jimin stayed with Taehyung in the brunette's office, Jungkook set out to fix his baby's situation.

Jungkook's glare didn't soften or falter as the man entered, taking a seat in front of Jungkook's desk.

"You asked to see me, sir?" Mr. Choi said. Jungkook scoffed, his jaw ticking as he controlled his anger. Now, Jungkook had never been an angry person, or even remotely dangerous, but at the moment, he felt as if he could punch this man's crooked nose back into place.

"I did. It has been brought to my attention that you've been violating my employee," Jungkook said through gritted teeth, leaning back into his chair to calm his rising anger. Mr. Choi's eyes watched Jungkook's stance very carefully, hoping he wouldn't say the wrong thing.

"Uhm... I don't underst-"

"You don't understand? Well, let me make you understand. We have a strict policy, as you should know because you've worked here for years and you read the contracts of those that we hire, correct?" Jungkook asked Mr. Choi, an eyebrow raised as he gave the man a condescending glare.

"Y-yes, sir," Mr. Choi responded. Even if Jungkook was younger, everyone knew that he held a lot of power.

"So what made you think that you could touch my personal assistant?" Jungkook tilted his head almost mockingly.

"I didn't..." Mr. Choi gulped, his palms getting sweaty as he nervously rubbed them against his thighs.

"Oh? If you come clean I might suspend you, instead of firing you. I want the truth. Why did you touch my assistant?" Jungkook asked once more, awaiting an answer. When Jungkook needed to fight for something he felt strongly about, he became quite scary. He just hasn't fought for anything in a really long time, but now, Jimin became his motivation.

Mr. Choi inhaled deeply, preparing himself. He rather be suspended than fired.

"I found him attractive. He was playing coy. Sir, if he hated what I was doing he would've done something more-"

Jungkook was absolutely livid. Just because Jimin didn't stand up more for himself, the man thought he could harass him? Just because he assumed Jimin wanted it? Because of Jimin's career, he felt that the youngest liked being touched like that? This man was disgusting and Jungkook felt an overpowering urge to protect his angel.

The CEO stood up at his chair, palms loudly smacking the desk as he grew angry.

"So just because he doesn't punch you or scream for his life, you ignore the fact that he asked you to leave him alone? Because you read his desperation for you to leave him be as being 'coy', you assumed you could touch what doesn't belong to you? Let me remind you that if I had personally seen what Mr. Kim saw, you wouldn't be sitting here right now. So give me one reason why I should care about you and your job here,"Jungkook glared at him, his voice scarily booming throughout the office as he became angrier with each second.

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