18 - Degrading

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That night, Jungkook fell asleep with a huge smile on his face. Jimin had said so many sweet things to him, and they had sex. Jungkook couldn't forget it. He didn't want to forget the fact that he took Jimin's virginity. Jungkook was the first person to sleep with Jimin and if that wasn't valuable then Jungkook didn't know what was.

The next morning was a bit more sweet. Jungkook had woken up earlier to be able to cook breakfast for Jimin. It was a Sunday morning and a bright one too.

Jungkook had hopped out of bed with a little bit more excitement, heading to brush his teeth and to make breakfast for Jimin and himself.

The older man felt more of an ego boost doing this. Taking care of Jimin made Jungkook feel like for the first time, he isn't alone. Of course, he had Taehyung, but he always thought he'd be spending his life alone with no significant other. However, his view on life was starting to change gradually with Jimin's presence.

Breakfast that morning went great. Jimin was more sore when he woke up, and he limped, but Jungkook took care of him well. He fed Jimin, bathed him again (for the fun of it), and dressed him up.

At the moment, Jimin was seated on Jungkook's couch, legs crossed over each other as he drowned in Jungkook's huge tee, staring out of the penthouse window. Jimin just had his elbows on his thighs, face in his hands as he stared out the window, deep in thought.

Jungkook was descending the stairs after his shower, when he stopped halfway. Instead, he paused, looking at Jimin from the staircase as he watched the younger man stare out the window.

Jungkook felt as if Jimin was too beautiful for this world. He was the most angelic being that Jungkook had seen.

Then, the older man hurriedly sauntered up the staircase as quietly as he could, heading to his bedroom to retrieve something. He dug in his walk-in closet for his object before finding it, and toddling down the staircase happily.

Jungkook had a mischievous grin on his face as he wore the lanyard of his state of the art camera around his neck, sneaking into the living room with his camera in his hands.

Jungkook powered it on. The last time he used this camera was one year ago, before he was promoted to CEO by his father. Since then, he hasn't photographed anything, even if photography used to be his passion.

The older man snuck into the living room, standing a good distance away from Jimin. The younger was still in the same position, facing out of the window. He was so deep in thought that he couldn't hear Jungkook at all.

Then, the older man crouched down onto the ground, leveling the eyepiece of the camera with his eye, closing his other eye as he got into a good angle.

He had the perfect side view of Jimin, who had been wearing Jungkook's white t-shirt that was too large on him. The younger's black locks fell in his eyes gently as he looked out the window.

Jungkook felt his heartbeat quicken as he clicked the photograph. Maybe, he was nervous because he was finding his love for photography all over again, or maybe it was the fact that he was photographing something so dear to him, but his heart was pounding against his chest as he snapped the shot.

The shutter went off, and a flash, causing Jimin to turn around, immediately gasping when he saw Jungkook photographing him.

"Mr. Jeon!" Jimin shrieked as he hid his face immediately, feeling embarrassed that Jungkook took his photo.

The older man stood up from his crouching position with a laugh.

"Come on, Angel. Let me take some photos of you," Jungkook begged as he held his camera in his two hands, with the lanyard around his neck.

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