35 - Mission

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That night, the couple spent their night making love in celebration of their two months together. 

But, that also meant that Jungkook's three month period to accomplish his end of the bargain was coming to an end, very soon.

He didn't realize that although he fell in love with Jimin, he still had to uphold his end of the bargain; finding a way for Jimin to dance.

Jungkook couldn't go back on his word after dating the younger man, simply because he didn't want Jimin to think of him as someone who didn't fulfill his promises. So Jungkook had been looking endlessly for a way to accomplish his end of the bargain.

He was on a mission to find whatever way he could to accomplish his goal. He sat in his office all day on Friday, trying to come up with a solution.

By the end of the day when it was time to leave, he had made progress. But then, Taehyung entered his office, causing Jungkook to stop whatever he was doing and to look up at his best friend.

"Why did you burst in here like that?" Jungkook asked his best friend, quickly closing whatever tab he had open on his computer screen.

"It's seven already. Why are you still in here? We have to leave," Taehyung stared at his best friend as if Jungkook was a complete idiot.

"Why are you in such a rush?" Jungkook asked his friend as he powered off his computer, beginning to pack up his things.

"Did Jimin forget to tell you?" Taehyung gaped at his best.

"Tell me what?" Jungkook asked, beyond confused.

"Oh my... We're going on a double date tonight. The two of you, plus Yoongi and I," Taehyung informed his best friend who was packing up his work briefcase.

"Oh? You're letting me meet your guy?" Jungkook asked as he stood up from his seat, holding his briefcase in his hand.

"Well duh... You're my best friend,and Yoongi is special to me. I thought you guys should meet him," Taehyung shrugged it off but Jungkook began to overthink now.

"W-wait... I have a question..." Jungkook began to get anxious as he spoke up, his words quickening.

"What is it?" Taehyung asked, taking a seat on the couch near the office door.

"Jimin and I have been dating for so long... Why hasn't he introduced me to his best friend if we're both so special to him?" Jungkook asked. It has been playing in his mind for a while. Literally one month has passed since they came back from China and still, Jimin hadn't introduced the two of them like he said he would.

"Well, you know, everybody is different. Maybe he just wants more time-"

"Why? Does he think I'm not good enough? What if I'm not? What if he's scared I'll mess up? What if...he thinks his best friend will hate me or vice versa? What if-"

"Jesus, Kook. You're such a stressball.  Jimin probably values you both and doesn't want to do it too soon because he's nervous. You're obviously very special to him and he's worried that you and his best friend won't be compatible. That's stressful for him," Taehyung tried to explain it to his best friend.

"So you don't feel that way?" Jungkook asked, referring to how Taehyung was willing to let him meet Yoongi.

"I-I do but I still think it's time," Taehyung said.

"Jimin said we could meet long ago. He just didn't bring it up again... What if I'm really not someone he sees himself with longterm?" Jungkook asked as he sighed, feeling sad now.

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