8. Bad idea

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I wake up feeling fresh

I check my phone and I had a message from Amelia's best friend Eva. She had sent me a whole list of things that were going to do for my sister bachelorette party. Damn she has planned a lot of things.

After I had replied to Eva I get a another notification. This on is on Facebook. I see that I had gotten a friend request from
Alejandra- I just follow her back not thinking much about it.
Few seconds later a get a whole ass message about her bachelorette party that is also this Friday.

Great not only two weddings but bachelorette party's. But of course I'll say I cant come to Alejandra's bachelorette party.

I send Alejandra a message "as amazing as it sounds I can't come my sister is also having her party on Friday" I press send.

I get a message back. Wow she replied quickly.
"Omg what if me and your sister have the party on the same place so you can just walked back and forth" she says

There is a lot of that going on. Back and forth.

"Sound good, but I don't want you to change everything you have planned" I send her

"Believe me I don't really care, I just wanna have fun" she send

"Okay great" I close my phone and throw it to my side

This is much harder then I thought. Now I have not just two weddings to attend but two bachelorette party's planned by some crazy ass people.

But right now I need to get to work.

I dress up in my everyday stupid waitressing clothes and take orders. If I think about it my life would be so much better if I were a lawyer. I'd be successful, no money problems and my parents would actually be proud of me. But life ain't fair.

"Hi how can I-" I instantly stop talking I know that baseball cap. "Do you have nothing else to do then to bother me?" I say with a bit of tone.

"Oh I didn't know you worked here" Chris says to me. His voice with lies and sarcasm

"Funny" i say, returning that sarcastic tone.

"So gonna take my order?" He says

"Sure what do you want" I ask a bit annoyed. But of course I'm not annoyed I'm glad to see him, this is how we both are. Very mean to each other.

"When's your break?" He asks Me

I just repeat myself "what do you want?"

"I'll just have a salad and white wine" he says with a smile

"Sorry but we don't have that at a coffee House" I say to him trying my best to be professional cause my boss is standing there looking right at my detraction.

"Well luckily for you I know a great place. We should go there on your break, it's just down the Main Street" Chris says

"Are you asking me to go out for lunch with you?" I say it very slow so he can hear what he's asking me to do.


"Why should I go?" I ask just to be annoying

"Cause I feel bad that you don't have any friends" he stands up, he's so much taller then me. I look up at him, his hand removes a strand of hair away from my face, he leans down and whispers in my ear "I'll see you for lunch. Don't disappoint me coconuts" he says as he walks away

I just stand there with shivers running up and down my body. I don't know how to react. I just take a deep breath and go take someone else's order.


Finally I had my break. I quickly change my clothes and try looking cute. Just a bit of blush and mascara nothing much.

I started walking down the Main Street. I wasn't completely sure where the place Chris was talking about was, but I had a bit of an idea.

I walk into the restaurant and see Chris sitting there. Shit this is a bad idea

I look at Chris as I start walking towards him. He stands up
"Thanks for not disappointing me" he says

"Your welcome" I say to him.
We both sit down. "So what are we ordering?" I ask

"You still down for a salad and wine?" He asks me

"Is that even a question?" I smile.

We ordered and wait for the food.

"So Sebastian told me Alejandra is having her bachelorette party this Friday, when is you sister having her's?"  he asks me

"Also this Friday" I explain

"Shit what are you going to do?" He asks me

"I told Alejandra I couldn't make it to hers but she offered to move hers at the same place my sisters is having her party. So I'll be going back and forth in both parties" I tell Chris as he just laughs at the whole situation.
"Shut up! you put me in this position" I say

"Believe me there are a lot of positions I want to put you in" he says with a light smirk.

I smirk back at him.

He did not just say that.

"Your so funny, bro" I say. Believe me never in my life would I call anyone 'bro' but I just wanted to mess with Chris a bit. Making him think he's just a friend to me. Which he absolutely is.

"Ouch coconuts I didn't know you were capable of being so mean" Chris joke like always.
"So other then the two bachelorette parties on Friday what else are you doing?" He asks

"We have the wedding rehearsal, but obviously you don't have to come" I say

"No it's fine I'll be there. When is it?" He asks me

"10am" I explain

"Perfect I'll pick you up at eight" he says

"Why eight?" I ask

"We could grab breakfast" he says

"You really like to feed me" i laugh.

The food comes. Me and Chris enjoy eating and talking.

Bad idea Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang