2. Bad idea

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I storm out the bar/restaurant in front of everyone making a seen. I've probably never walked this fast anywhere. I'm so mad right now that my face is burning up.
And what made me more mad was that few men were cheering as I walk out.

I notice the two guys I took the order from earlier looking at me.
I look into the eyes of the guy with the baseball hat Chris. He had a sorry look on his face.

I just get into my car, slam the door shut. Then I slam my hand on the steering wheel and scream at the top of my lungs.
I'm sure people will hear my screams from mile away it was so loud.

My throat is a bit sore now.

As I stick in my keys to start my car it doesn't work. Of course it doesn't.

I just rest my head on the steering wheel and cry.

Not just cause I had a terrible day but also there is so much going on in my life.

I'm handling two jobs, have a broken car that I need to get fixed- it's going to cost a lot. Guess who will be eating Ramen noodle's for the next three months? Me
I have a wedding to attend to with a date. Which if I haven't mentioned is a pain in the ass.
And now I just embarrassed myself in front of a lot of people.

Anyways I try putting the keys back but the car still doesn't start.

Now I cry even more then earlier

And all the shots I had been taking were really starting to hit in. Maybe it's a good thing my car isn't working.

In less then 10 seconds I feel dizzy and my eyes get heavy.
I shouldn't have had that drink
it was a bad idea


I wake up to someone knocking on my car window.

Was I asleep?

I look up seeing the baseball hat guy.
I look around and see it raining like crazy outside.

I roll down my window

"Yes?" I ask him

"I noticed you have been in your car for almost an hours. Just wanted to make sure you weren't dead" he says soaking wet by the rain.

"Well I really wish I was" I say jokingly. My humour is very bad. That's probably why I don't have friends.
Baseball guy looks at me concerned
"It's a joke" I assure him

"Ahhh okay" he says lightly nodding

"Anything else you want to say?" I ask him

"Nope" he turns around and quickly turns back and faces me again "oh your tire is flat" he tells me

"What!" I get out my car and slam my door shut "ugh fuck" I kick the tire

"I'm sure that's not gonna help" baseball dude says.

"You know what ..." I wait for him to tell his name

"Chris" he says with a smile that's absolutely annoying the shit out of me

"You Know what Chris! If your just gonna stand here and tell me what to do, then don't! I'm having a shitty day" I say. I'm yelling at an absolute stranger

"Calm down coconut" he says laughing at his stupid joke

I look down and I'm still in that stupid costume in the rain I'm freezing.
I turn back around to open my car door again and it's locked.
No no no.
It's locked!

"Having a little trouble there?" He asks.

"No I just need me car keys..." as soon as I say that I realise where my car keys are.  There stuck in my car.
"Ugh fuck" I kick my car again. I turn around and Chris is still looking at me.
"What!" I ask as I'm about to cry

"Do you need a ride home?" He ask

"No way I'm not taking a ride with you" I say

"You looked much nicer when you were taking my order" Chris says putting his arms in a cross over his chest.
Not that I was looking but his no sleeve shirt  was looking real tight around his biceps. Shit he's big.
Now in the rain his eyes look darker, and his lips looks soft..... What's going on
I snap out of my thoughts.

"I was only nice cause I was getting paid" I reply.

Chris just laughs "would you rather want to be out in the rain?" He asks me

"I'll call a cab" I say thinking I'm real smart

"Right Now?" He asks "what time is it?" He asks me

"12 o'clock. I don't know" I say.

He grabs his iPhone 6 out of his pocket and shows me the time. It's almost 3 in the morning

I just role my eyes. There is no way there will be any cabs free to drive me home on a Friday night. Usually cabs are to busy on Friday nights driving drunk people home.
"Nice choice of wallpaper" I say. It's a picture of a dog.

"Thanks" Chris says. "So how are you going to get home?" He asks me

"I'll call a friend" I say knowing damn well
I'll need to call my sister. I can't call my parents cause they'll ask to many questions. I can't call my older sister she's to busy with the wedding. So I'll just call my younger sister.

I look for my phone and it's inside my car locked up with all my other stuff

"Need a phone?" He asks me

I don't even reply to him I just take his phone and call my sister.
Her phone is busy

"Is your friend coming?" He asks me jokingly

I take a deep breath "fine you can drive me home. But no small talks" I warn him

"Don't need to worry about that" he laughs.


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