5. Bad idea

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I pick up my phone and call my older sister.

After two calls she picks up

"Hey!" I say

"Hi" she says

"So how are you, nervous? Your weddings tomorrow" I say exited

"Did no one tell you?" She says

"What do you mean , tell me what?" I ask

"We had to move the wedding for next weak on Saturday because of the weather" she says

"Ohh" I say. I'm a bit hurt over the fact no one took the time to call me and tell me about the change.
"I'll talk to you later bye" I end the call.

This is bad. I'm also going with Chris to his friends wedding on the same day.
I have to tell Chris I can't make it. But at the same time I owe him big times.

I can't think about this right now I need to get to work.

I get to the coffee house and start taking orders
when all of a sudden I see that guy Chris was with at the restaurant/bar the other day. This the guys who's getting married.

I walk up to him "hi your Sebastian, right?" I ask

"Sure I'll take a picture with you" he says a bit annoyed not even looking up at me

"Oh no no I'm not here for a picture I know Chris he's a friend of yours" I say awkwardly.

"Oh right Y/n?" He says finally looking up

"Yep that's me" I say

"Oh it's good to see you, Chris has told me a lot about you" Sebastian says

"Oh really like what ?" I ask curious

"I don't know I really wasn't listening but he told me something about coconuts, and some cockroach family and some old lady, he also said you were a stripper-" I quickly cut him

"No I'm not a stripper, just some miss understanding" I nervously laugh. "Well I'm sure Chris told you that I'm going to be his plus one to the wedding, right?" Im not sure if Chris had told him or not

"What?!" Sebastian almost yells. Oh shit.
"Just kidding he already told me" he laughs
I just nervously laugh with him "how about you and Chris join me and my fiancée on a little date tonight" he suggests

"Oh me and Chris aren't going to do anything like that. We are just strangers doing each other a favour" I say it so he knows I'm simply declining the offer

"Okay up to you, I'll see you at the wedding then" Sebastian says

"Yeah see you" I walk away. Then turn back around and walk to Sebastian "I forgot to take your order" I say

"Just coffee" he says


After work I get home exhausted. I lay on my bad and rest my eyes. I get a call. Unknown number. I answer "hello?"

"Hey coconuts" that annoying familiar voice says

"Ugh it's you" I say "how did you get my number?" I ask him

"Oh you know I pulled some strings" he says In a bragging way.

I just shake my head and listen "what do you want?" I say

"Are you free tonight?" He asks me and I instantly know what he's going to ask me. The same thing Sebastian asked, if I want to join them in some super expensive famous rich people date.

"No I'm busy" I say

"Doing what?" He asks

"None of your business" I say

"Oh so your doing nothing, great. I'll pick you up at 7 be ready by then" he basically demands "oh and put on something nice" Chris says
"b-" before he could say 'bye' I end the call and throw my phone on my bed.

This is a bad idea

Ugh why can't he just leave me alone?

Even tho I said no to Chris he still somehow convince me to go with him.

I take a shower and look for something to wear. He said "something fancy" so I'll do the exact opposite. Hoodie? Yes.
I put on some shorts and a hoodie as I do my makeup.

All of a sudden I hear a knock at my door

I check the time it's 18:43 I open the door and surprise surprise it's Chris.

"I thought you'd come pick me up at 7" I look at Chris. He's wearing a almost silk black tux. Like the fancy ones. The tux well fitted with his body. He actually looks a little cute.
Just a little.
His hair jelled and he smells sexy, Dior?
Chris walks into the house.
"You clean up nice" I say to Chris

"Can't say the same about you" he says jokingly "I'm kidding to look nice but I know your not dressed yet" he says

"Actually I'm wearing this" I say to Chris

"No your not" he says scared

"What do you want me to wear then?" I ask him annoyed

"Maybe a nice dress. You do own dresses right?" Chris says

"Of course I own a dress" I walk In my bedroom. I don't own a dress. I only bought a new dress which I will wear at my sisters wedding.

I notice Chris looking at me "you don't have a dress" he says
I embarrassedly nod
"It's fine just wear what ever you feel comfortable in you'll look good either way" Chris says walking out my room.

I don't even know why but I feel so bad. Its obviously my choice what I wear but he was really looking forward to it and so was I, plus I owe him. I'll find something.
I check my closet and find a short leather skirt. I Struggle into it.

I don't talk about it much but I'm actually quite curvy. Like my thighs and ass are quite big, and you know i have a bit of cleavage as well.

Doesn't look so bad I look in the mirror. I find a white top an put it on. It's right above my bellybutton. The top has a cross neck.

This is actually a cute look, but still Chris look way to fancy.

I walk out of my bedroom, Chris looks up from his phone at me.
"That's what I'm talking about" he says with a smile "you look great, not that I'm saying you didn't look great in the other outfit, just this looks good on you" Chris says not even knowing his eyes are fixed on my breast

"Thanks but your a little to fancy" I say as I walk over to him. "May I?" I ask

He nods

I make him take of the bow-tie and the coat. I gently mess up his hair giving it a messy but clean look. I make him open the top two buttons of his button up shirt.

"Looking good Evans" I say to him

"So do you" he smiles.


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