9. Bad idea

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I get back home after work and lunch.

I throw my stuff on the kitchen counter and plop on my couch.

Shit I can't stop thinking about what he said about all the positions he wants to put me in.
I know he was joking but still.

I have never experienced something like that before.

Confession time. I know people are gonna make a lot of fun of me if a say this, but I'm a......... virgin. There is obviously nothing wrong with that, it's just a bit embarrassing I guess. I know nothing about sex or positions, I don't even know what I like, or what feels good.

Why haven't I had sex ? Well good question. If I haven't mentioned before I hate people. I have never gotten a good bond with anyone. I tend to be mean to people and they usually leave.

I remember my sisters telling me about there little sex story's. Amelia told me she and her fiancé Ben, had sex in the big freezer that is located in the bakery she owns. It's a big freezer she showed me a pick. After that I never really ate the stuff she bought from the bakery. I can't trust that horny Animal.

Oh and my younger sister Hannah she's has had sex with men all over the world. I'm always hearing her tell me about how she fucked the pilot, or some dude in the bathroom. It's disgusting. Another reason why I hate peoples. Like wait until you get home.
But she's in a relationship with some guy now. I don't even know his name. She has had a lot of boyfriends so I stoped remembering there names. But this relationship is a bit serious then the other once so I might need to remember his name.

Back to me being a virgin. As my sister were telling me about there "raw moments" they asked me to share one of mine. Of course I don't have one. So I lied not once not twice but for the past 8 years I have been lying to them, which is a bad idea. Why you ask ? Well because I have to make up some fake stories and sometimes I forget if I have all ready told them or not. Once I was almost got caught but I lied even more to cover it up.

I know I'm a bad person for lying to them for over 8 years but it's better then telling them the truth, because they will make fun of me for the rest of my god damn life.

Im just waiting for the one, no I'm not gonna wait until til marriage, I might never even get married, I just want it to be right.

All this thinking is making my tired.

I close my eyes and fall asleep


Two days have passed since I met Chris at the salad palace. If I'm being honest I'm getting a bit annoyed he hasn't called, or just randomly knocked on my door, or anything.
Ever since I met him I've been bumping into him or meeting him. Now nothing.

He must be busy planning the bachelor party for Sebastian, he is his best man after all.

Talking about bachelor party I need to get Alejandra and Amelia something. I'll find them a present I still have few days.

I get ready cause I'm going to the mall, I need few stuff, like a dress for the bachelorette party and some makeup.

I get in my car and drive to the mall. I walk in and damn everything is crowded. I buy myself makeup a lot of it actually. I like doing my makeup, it's fun.
I look for a dresses now. I find three dresses.

1. A red short dress, covered in glitter and sparkles.

2. A light blue long dress, tight on the top and flared on the bottom, it's cute but not for a bachelorette party.

3. Then an off white short dress. It's very tight pushing up my chest making it look much bigger then It actually is. It's very tight but looks good.

Uhh I need help with choosing.

Who else to ask then Chris.

I call him

He answers right away "hey ass man" I say.

"Hello coconuts" he says "miss me?" He asks

"Ew no" I say "I need your help" I say

"What now? Did your car break down again?" He asks annoyed

"No stupid. I need a help choosing a dress" I say

"Okay where are you?" He ask

"What do you mean?" I ask confused

"Where are you, I'll come help you pick a dress" he explains

"Oh no I'll just send you a pick" I tell him

"But I need to see it in real life"

"Fine" I say annoyed but still exited to meet his stupid ass. "I'm at the mall" I say

"Okay see you in 10" he ends the call.

I just stand in the fitting room waiting for him.


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