12. Bad idea

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"Sorry I'm late I though it would be rude to come here empty handed" Chris says. By the look on his face it looks like he heard most of the things I said to my mom.

My mom fixes her hair and straightens her dress "how sweet of you" she walk away from me.

Chris walks up to me "hey are you okay?" He asks.
I try hiding my face, it's embarrassing if he sees me crying.
"Y/n talk to me" Chris says

"I'm not in the mood" I try walking past Chris.

He grabs me by my wrist and stops me.

"To bad coconuts" he says to me.
He pulled me closer to him. "I'm sorry for the way they make you feel, I'm also sorry for leaving you here without saying anything, I'm sorry for the way you feel right now,
I'm sorry I'm sorry" Chris looks in my eyes.

He was hurt that I was hurt. He blamed himself for something my mom did to me.

"Shut up" I whisper

"What?" He says bit hurt

"Just shut up and kiss me" I say. Bad idea?

Chris looks at me like he's been waiting for me to say these words. He lightly smiles. Takes a step closer to me, leans down and kisses me.

His warm lips felt like feathers, soft and also a bit ticklish.

We both quickly pull away as we hear my father clear his throat. I quickly look down as my face is all red, and Chris try's his best keeping a straight face.

"We were going to start the rehearsal, are you guys going to join?" My dad asks.

"Yeah we'll be with you guy in a minute" I say still keeping my face down. I'm embarrassed, angry, hurt but also happy and excited all the same time.

"I'm sorry there ignoring you like that" I say to Chris. Of course it's rude my mom didn't say anything to him neither my dad

"No before I came to look for you I talked to you sisters both great, and you were right about Hannah a bit flirty with me" he say as I laugh "I also talked to Ben and your dad" Chris explains.

"Oh" I say not knowing what to say. Maybe everything isn't as bad as I thought

"Come on there probably waiting" Chris says holding my hand as we walk towards the room. Before we enter Chris and I stop. He takes the flowers he was holding in his hand, he picks few out and sticks them in my hair.
"Looking good coconuts" he smiles at me

"Thanks" I look him in the eyes "ass man" I say as we both share a light laugh then enter the room.

We rehearsed all the walking, and the dinner, then there was the dance. It was fun. But there was a lot of tension between me and mom.

I'm still mad at her for inviting Jacob here when I told her I'd bring a date. But this argument with mom is not over, I'm just gonna stay quiet for now.


After everything Amelia and Ben invited Me, Chris, Noah and Hannah out for ice cream. Just a triple date.

Me and Chris sit in his car as we are driving to the ice creams place.

"So.." Chris starts off. I just know it going to be one of those awkward small talks after a kiss.

"Thank you" I say to him

"For what?" He asks with a smile

"You know for what" I say to him

"Yeah but I like to hear you say it" he says keeping his eyes on the road. I look at him and his perfect side profile.

Agh so perfect.

"Thank you for coming back for me... and.......thank you for kissing me" I say as I look over at Chris his eyes still one the road but I see a little smile. "Happy?" I ask

He nods

We get to the ice cream place.

We six walks in and start ordering.

"So Chris, right?" I hear Hannah trying to make small talk with Chris while I try choosing and flavour. Believe me guys it doesn't bother that she flirts with every guy she sees, I find it rather funny.

Chris makes eye contact with me, asking me to come over

"Okay so Hannah stop drooling over Chris and go choose your ice cream flavour" I say to her

"Fine" Hannah walks away.

"So I got ice cream for us" I say to Chris

"Which flavour?" He asks

"You look like a plain vanilla guy" I say to Chris

"Your right" he says

We six get are ice cream and go out on a walk. Chris was talking to Ben and Noah. While me and my sister were walking a bit behind the guys.

"So Y/n what happened between you and mom?" Amelia asks

"Ugh I really don't want to talk about it" I admit "lets just forget it"

"Okay well tell me how did you and Chris meet, I know your not really the type who goes out on dates and stuff" Amelia says

"Yeah where did you find such a hottie" Hannah asks

"It's a long story" I say to them

"Oh believe me we want to hear it" Hannah says

"Fine" I tell them everything. And I make it clear that me and Chris are not dating. But after that kiss I wish we were.

Soon we ended the night cause we have a bachelorette party tomorrow. I have two party's.


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