3. Bad idea

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"So where's you car?" I ask now freezing in the rain.

"Who said I have a car" he says as we stand beside a motorcycle. If I'm being honest it looks nice and very dangerous.

"Oh no there is no why I'm sitting on that with you" I say crossing my arms

"Fine what ever coconut" he says swinging one leg over the bike and sits down. He holds up a helmet

I look down seeing my whole body wet by the rain "ugh fine" I get on the bike
This is a bad idea

Chris give's me his helmet and I put it on
"Hold on tight" he says

He starts the bike

We started of slow but as soon as we get on the main road the bike picks up the speed.
Now I know what he meant by I don't have to worry about the small talks cause I can't hear anything over the rain, loud wind and the helmet.

We are going so fast.

I hold onto his waist tighter. I feel his muscles flex and his abs poking out from his skin tight wet shirt. As the bike stop suddenly my hand go higher up on his body as they rest on his chest. I feel his heart rate picking up.

"The weather looks bad" Chris talks loudly

"Yeah" I say

"I think we need to stop somewhere" he suggests. As I was about to argue with that I look around the weather was looking very bad and I know it's still a 20 min drive to my house. I'm absolutely freezing as well. Then the weather keeps getting worse I see all the trees going at the same detraction because of the wind, then the lighting's starts to struck.

"Your right" I yell back
I'm not going to die tonight. "Where will we go?" I ask

"I don't know there must be a motel near by" he says

We drive on for maybe five more minutes then we see a motel. It's not sketchy looking but it also dose not look very nice. But it's the best thing so far.

Chris parks the bike and we both walk in to the lobby of the motel. At the front desk was an old lady sleeping

"Hello excuse me" Chris lightly knock's on the table

The old lady wakes up

"Oh yes hi" he she says still quite sleepy "welcome to Nina's motel" she says all excited

"Thanks" Chris says with a smile. I just stand behind him with my hands crossed over my naked stomach.

Chris and the old lady chat together and I'm not trying to be mean or anything but I'm freezing and I'm very tired. And both Chris and the old lady have the same energy.
I'm not enjoying this at all.
This is my problem I don't have friends cause I don't like people.

"Can we hurry this up a bit" I whisper to Chris

"Sure" Chris says to me "so we need a room-"
She cuts Chris off

"Oh who is this?" The old lady asks

"This is-" Chris stops talking.

I realised I never told him my name

"Y/n" I say

"Well this is Y/n" Chris tells the lady

"Oh Y/n I like your costume" she says. Chris puts his hand over his face trying to hide his laughter.

"It's not a costume, it's my work outfit" I tell her

"So you work in a strip club?" She asks. Chris laughs even harder. For an old lady she really know how to talk.

"No actually- you know what forget it. So we need two rooms" I say

"Okay that will be $100" she says casually

"What!" Both me and Chris say surprised.

"For both?" Chris asks

"No $100 you and $100 the girl" she says

"Okay" Chris gets out his valet and hands her a $100

"Chris I don't have my purse" I say embarrassed even if I did I could never afford something like this.

"Don't worry I'll pay" he says

"Thanks I'll pay you back I promise" I say. Chris pays and we get are room keys. I got room 13 and Chris got room 10. We both walk up to are rooms and get to are doors.
"Thanks Chris, really how can I repay you, I'll do anything" I say. "Well not exactly anything but you get me" I say with a awkward laugh.

"There is one thing you can do" he says with a smile. And let me tell you it's not a cute smile. He's up to something.

"What?" I ask

"I'll tell you tomorrow" "good night" Chris says

"Good night" I say to him we both open are rooms and go in.

This room isn't that bad.

I move the cover of the bad and omg there a whole cockroach family living on this bed.
I scream.

No it wasn't a 'ahh' scream it was a 'AHHH' there's a difference.

I hear banging on my door "hey you okay?" Chris says.
I quickly go open my door "What happened?" He asks me

"My bed" I say still a bit shocked

Chris walks over to my bed and sees the cockroaches just crawling around.
"Come on, I'm getting you a new room" Chris walks out my room and I just follow him.
We go down to the lobby again to talk to the old lady but she was gone.
I mean it is 4 in the morning. The poor lady probably went to sleep.
"Stay here I'll go look for her" Chris says

I just stand there a awkwardly. I look out the window and the weather is still very bad.

After few minutes Chris returns

"I can't find her" "you'll have to sleep in my bedroom" he says.
I know he doesn't want me to sleep with him
(I don't want to sleep with him either)
But we really don't have a choice.

I just nod.


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