36. Bad idea

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Me and Chris stand outside trying to figure out a way to get to Sebastian wedding venue before he notices

"Can we borrow someone car?" Chris asks

"Who's?" I ask him

"Hannah's?" He asks

"I don't think she has one" I say looking around then my eyes stop on a old small red car a four seater
"I have a idea" I yell over to Chris

"Usually when you say that, things don't end up well" Chris says

"Believe me this one is good" I say

I explain to Chris how when I was younger and didn't have money for gas I would get under my grandpas old car my he rest in peace and I would cut a pipe and fill a water bottle with petrol and out that in my car.

"You are crazy" Chris says laughing "so what do you need?" He ask me

"Something sharp, a water bottle and something to hold up the car" I explain

Chris finds a piece of a broken glass and a old used coke bottle "will this work" he hands the things over to me

As I'm about to get down on my knees Chris stops me, he takes of his suit jacket and puts it on the ground.
I get down on my knees and try to find the pipe "I can't see" I explain

"Wait" Chris holds the car with both of hiss hands and lifts.

If I'm being honest I'm not surprised, it a old small car and Chris is very strong. He lifts the car as I fill the old used up bottle with petrol.
I get up and show Chris the bottle

"Here" I hand it over to him

Chris pours it into the bike and it worked.

We quickly make are way over to Sebastian and Alexandra's wedding.

As we stand in the elevator we both smell petrol smell. I hate the smell of petrol but Chris on the other hand liked the smell.

Chris phone starts ringing "hey man you finished?" Sebastian says

"Yeah I'm on my way" Chris

"Wait so she's good? Two times in a row" Sebastian

"Yeah" Chris looks over at me "she's amazing" I see the spark in his eyes when he says that.

Is it weird that I'm blushing?

We get to the top floor and walk over to where the wedding is.
There is a server walking past me and Chris

"I'm excuse me do you have any perfume? For me and my girlfriend?"

"Yes sir, wit here I'll get you guy sometime" the waiter quickly goes to get it.

"Your girlfriend?" I ask him

"I just slipped out" Chris tells me

"Yeah that seems to happen a lot" you tell him

"Well you haven't answered my damn question yet" Chris gets closer to my face

"What was the question" you say jokingly just to hear him say those words again

Chris sighs "Will you be my girlfriend" he asks me again

"Mmmm no" I answer "I'm kidding" i pull onto his tie and kiss him "yes of course" I kiss him again

The server stand next to us he clears his throat "this is all I found is coconut okay?" He asks

"It's perfect thanks" Chris and I spread it all over us. Then make are way to the wedding.

As soon as Sebastian sees Chris he walk over to him.
"Congratulations" Chris hugs his friend

"Congratulations Sebastian" I hug him as well

"Thanks guys. So tell me what happened now?" Sebastian asks us "what do we do after we are married?" He asks in a slight panic

"Honeymoon" Chris says

"Yeah right and after that?"he asks

I don't know Sebastian that well but one thing I've noticed about him he gets stressed a lot.

"I don't know I've never been married" Chris tells him. Obviously not helping his friend out.

"I think marriage is great. Now you guys can live together as a married couple, make decisions together, creat a home, maybe get a pet and one day a family if you guys want. But if I'm being honest you should be relived you are married, get to live the rest of you life with the person you love" i say

"Shit I didn't know you were this soft and mushy" Sebastian says "thanks" he says
"Chris I met your mom earlier"

"Oh right Y/n you were gonna meet my family"  Chris say

"Right" I say nervously.

"There they are come with me" Chris takes my hand and starts walking towards some guy that must be Scott.

"Hey Scott" Chris hugs his brother "this is Y/n"
He says

"Hi" I say nervous "it's final so nice to meet you" I add.

"Oh your Y/n?" He says "hey" he hugs me. It caught me a bit by surprise "Chris never told me you were this pretty, and I love you dress" he says.

"Aww thanks" I blush lightly

"Have you met Shanna and Carly?" He asks me

"No Chris wanted me to meet you first"

"Well prepare yourself for my sister" Scott warns me "I'm joking" he then add while I just lightly laugh. "Good to see you"

"Yeah you too" I add "we should totally do something this weekend" I say "Brunch?" I ask

"Sound good" Scott says "alright see you" Scott gives Chris a fist bump as we keeps waking

"He's very nice" I tell Chris

"He really is"


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