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Elora was in the laundry room putting her clothes in the washing machine when the door behind her opened. She turned around and saw Jason.

"Hey" He said.

Elora didn't say anything, she just turned back around and kept putting her clothes inside the machine.

"I don't even get a hey? You're that mad" Jason said while letting out a small chuckle.

"What do you want?" Elora asked with an annoyed tone.

"I don't believe you" Jason said.

"What are you talking about?" Elora asked while rolling her eyes.

"I said I don't believe you" Jason repeated while taking a step closer.

"About what?" Elora yelled but without turning around to look at him.

"About the other day. It bothered you, I know it" Jason said with a calm tone and while slowly taking steps closer.

"Yeah right" Elora said while letting out a small chuckle.

"So you want to tell me" Jason said while walking up to her and pressing his chest against her back. He brought his lips next to her ear. "The thought of me being with her doesn't bother you at all?" He said and placed his hands on her waist.

Elora took a deep breath when she felt his touch.

"No" Elora had some trouble saying that.

"Are you sure?" Jason repeated.

Elora slowly turned around to face him. She looked at him for a while but then moved closer. Their lips were only inches away.

"If you wanna play games" she slowly whispered. "There's board games for children in the living room" She then added with a serious look on her face.

Jason's face dropped. He definitely wasn't expecting that.

"You can fuck her if you want Jason. I couldn't care less" She then said but with a more angry tone.

"What?" Jason asked while still processing what she was saying. He removed his hands from her waist and took a very small step back.

"You don't mean that" He then added while laughing in disbelief.

Elora kept standing there and looking at him. She was trying to show that she wasn't hurt. She was trying to look tough.

"You can't keep doing this you know, it hurts me too" Jason then said with an angry tone but with voice was low.

"You asked me if it bothered me. I said no, what do you want?" Elora asked with a pissed off tone.

"The truth" Jason yelled.

The room went quiet after that. Elora looked down and then back up at him.

"Well that's it" Elora whispered.

Jason brought his hands on his head and walked around the room.

"You keep saying I'm the one playing games but all I see is a girl who can't decide what she wants" Jason said while taking a step closer. "Come talk to me when you finally decide what you want" He said with a very angry tone. He looked at her for a few more seconds and then walked out of the room.

When he left Elora turned back around and placed her hands on the counter that was Infront of her. She had messed up, badly. She had never had feelings for anyone before and she didn't know how to handle the situation.

She put the rest of the clothes in the machine and then went back to her room.

Meanwhile Jason went downstairs to the computer room. Gar was there sitting on the chair and checking out to find where Dr. Light was. Jason went and sat on the desk beside him.

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