PAINful fight

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Everybody looks in shock at the bloodied Overhaul as he flings some of the blood off of him.

Tsunade is to stunned to move and Overhaul lunges forward to kill her but Shoku makes an ice mirror in the way and jumps out and shoots ice spikes at Overhaul that stab through his left arm and leg.

Overhaul:That was a good one. But every hit you land on me. Will all be in vain.

Overhaul touches his arm and deforms it and reforms it healing it of its Injuries and then does the same to his leg.

Shoku: For a guy who wants to rid the world of quirks you sure like to use yours a-lot.

Overhaul: As I was saying before. A necessary evil.

Jirirya shoots a fireball But overhaul just creates another wall infront of him. Overhaul then begins to rum closer to close the gap but is Forced to stop when Shoto shoots a stream of firs at him.

Shoto: We've gotten everyone around here out and authorities are making sure they are safe.

Uraraka: All that's left is beat him now.

Overhaul touches the ground again as he begins to get frustrated.

Overhaul: You are all really beginning to annoy me.

The entire city block begins to get destroyed and buildings everywhere collapse. Everyone jumps up to get off of the floor as Overhaul gets ready to attack again only for a portal to open up behined him.

Kurogiri: Kai Chisaki.

Shigaraki: Overhaul. We'd like to strike a deal.

Overhaul: Can't you see I'm in the middle of something.

Kurogiri: Forgive our intrusion but Master was pretty sure you would lose this fight if you tried to continue.

Shoku: Shigaraki.

Shigaraki: Oh if it isn't the ice brat. I haven't seen you sense the invasion. I had fun killing your teachers and hero's.

Shoku gets angry and gets ready to launch an attack but Jirirya stops her and whispers to her.

Jirirya: We shouldn't fight them unless we have too. They have a lot of power now.

Shigaraki: Sorry little girl, but without the Uzumaki and Uchiha you really don't threaten us at all. Who would've thought team 7 would be left with only the weakest link of their precious team 7.

Shoku: You have no right to talk about them.

Overhaul: What do you need anyways Shigaraki.

Shigaraki: Well the Akatsuki have started their attack. And soon the One and Nine tails will be in there possession. We'd like to make a deal with you to help you out in your little science project in return for some help on their stupid Pokemon fetch quest.

Overhaul starts to smirk.

Overhaul:Oh that does interest me. But what about these hero's. They could prove to be trouble for us later. I normly don't like getting my hands dirty but I'm down for some fun.

Shigaraki: Well I'm still beat up from the invasion. I took a full power punch from All Might. So we've asked all friends to send you a little help.

Kurogiri opens a portal as six new figures walk out.

Kurogiri opens a portal as six new figures walk out

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