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Todoroki shoots out a huge ice Glacier that immediately traps Izuku. Only for Izuku to dissapear into white smoke.

Izuku: Shadow Clones, very useful Jutsu.

Todoroki turns around and sees ten Izukus all sitting there.

Izuku 1: I told you before.

Izuku 2: You can't beat us with just your ice.

Todoroki stomps on the floor and spikes come up stabbing all ten only for them to all dissapear and ten more appear in their place.

Izuku 8: Try again Shoto.

Izuku 7: Becuase this is starting to get kinda embarrassing.

Back with Haise and Katsuki.

Haise: We both know you and I are some of the stronger people in this competition. If you fight me Now it could tire you out to much to fight the others.

Bakugo laughs.

Katsuki: Please if I beat you here the others would be to scared to fight me. And plus the only other people who pose a threat are Izuku, Izumi, IcyHot, and Izuku's girlfriend and they are all busy with their own battles right now.

Haise: Well then let's see what you got then firecracker.


Bakugou Then uses his explosions to fly forward at Haise. Haise activates his sharingan and dodges to the side but Bakugou redirects him self mid air using another explosion and forces Haise to have to block Bakugou's attack.

Haise then goes flying back in the arena. Haise is about to use his pre Mangekyo before he remembers what Aizawa, Nezu, and Jirirya said before the match.

Flashback brought to you by The obviousness of Izuku and Shoku

Haise: But how is that fair at all. Isn't it technically my power.

Jirirya: Yes but it causes a huge strain on your body.

Nezu: To much use could even be Fatal. It almost killed you after the USJ

Aizawa: We only want you to use it during life or death situations and only as a last resort.

Haise: This just doesn't seem fair at all.

Aizawa: It doesn't have to be fair, it's for your own safety that you don't use it
Besides you could accidentally kill people with it sense you don't have enough practice with it.

Back to present

Haise thoughts: Without using the curse mark or Pre Mangekyo Katsuki will definitely be hard to beat.

Haise then activates lightning armor.

Haise thoughts: But definitely not impossible.

Back with Shoto and Izuku, Shoto is still shooting ice at Izuku's Shadow Clones.

Shoto: STOP BEING A COWARD AND FIGHT BACK- He shouts while sending a huge ice wave at the real Izuku.

Izuku: Look Shoto you don't want me to fight back.

Izuku then enters Kyuubi enhanced mode and uses a purple Rasengan to compelty shatter the huge ice wave.

Izuku then uses Kurama's chakra to make his voice deeper like a demon..


Todoroki begins to freak out and sends more waves at Izuku only to see one of Izuku's kunai land next to him. Before he can react Izuku teloports to it and sends him flying into the wall.

Izuku: What's wrong Shoto. S-C-A-R-E-D.

kurama: Damn kit this is a little sadistic.

Izuku mindscape: I have to show him that he can't win with only his ice.

Izuku: I can see that your shivering. Your fire side would be able to balance you out and reset your body temperature. But OH Wait. You refuse to use it. You'd rather Disrespect everyone else who's trying their hardest by half assing the whole time.

Shoto: But I'm not-

Izuku: YES YOU ARE SHOTO-izuku then switches his voice to his normal one- What are you going to do if your saving people out in the world. Are you going to let some die just because you can't use your own quirk. It's your power Shoto. So use it as your own.

Todoroki looks on in shock for a moment.

Before erupting into a huge ball of flames and ice.

They then both smile at each other before getting into battle ready stances.

Todoroki: Look who's messing around now. You totally could've won multiple times already.

Izuku: But just like Katsuki likes to say. Where's the fun in beating someone who's not giving it their all.

Before they can get back to it Shoku appears next to Shoto.

Shoto: Sister?

Shoku: Brother, we can't defeat Izuku on our own. The next event will probably be 1 on 1 matches. We need to kick him out now while we can team up on him.

Shoto: Alright but what about Haise. He is also around Izuku's level.

Shoku: The others are taking care of it.

Izuku: Shoku what the fuck!?!?

Shoku then looks at Izuku with an innocent cute smile.

Shoku: Sorry Izu, but im in it to win it. And your just to strong to let get to the next match. I promise I'm not gonna hit you to hard.

Izuku: Trust me. If you hope to beat me with just the two of you. You better both be going all out.

Izuku thoughts: Fuck this is acually going to be hard. Especially since I just got Shoto to use his fire. I wonder how Haise is doing fighting whoever the "others " are.

Elsewhere Haise is surrounded but Izumi in full cowling, Katsuki, Kirishima, Uraraka.


Izumi: Sorry Haise but your to strong for us to handle alone. Since Haruno is apart of team 7 and Todoroki started using his fire the two of them can probably take Izuku together.

Uraraka: But it will probably take all of us to beat you sicne are heavist hitters are fighting Izuku right now.

Kirishima:And why are you mad Bakubro we are here to help.


Haise thoughts: Katsuki is a lot stronger than I thought. Just him alone was pushing me way further than I thought he would, but now with all of them.

Izuku/Haise thoughts: I might actually be totally fucked.

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