'Haise Uchiha'

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How he looks and main outfit

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How he looks and main outfit

How he looks and main outfit

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Hero Outfit

Vigilante outfit

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Vigilante outfit

Hero Name: Sauske

Vigilante name: Shisui

Affinities and strength with them:




Chidori (Lightning gathered up in his hand with a strong piercing power. Very Lethal.)

Chidori screech(Lightning gathered up in his hand exodes all around him in different directions shocking and stunning everyone it touches

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Chidori screech(Lightning gathered up in his hand exodes all around him in different directions shocking and stunning everyone it touches.)

Chidori Strangle( Lighning from his acts like ropes or chains and strangles people stopping their movements by tying them up and shocking their muscles and nervous system)

Chidori Stream( Lightning shoots out from his hand like a beam and pierces anything in its way)

Lightning Armor(Basically like full cowling. It increases his strength, speed and reaction time along with decreasing the charge time needed for his lightning attacks and increasing their damage.)

FireBall Jutsu( Shoots a fireball. Size depends on amount of chakra used.)

Flaming fist/kick( lights his fist and/or feet on fire for extra damage along with setting the target on fire. Can be used at the same time as Lightning armor.)

Fire Stream( Like todoroki when he uses his flames but less effective)

Elemental arrow( shoots an arrow of either fire or Lightning with an extreme amount of piercing power.)

Genjutsu( Very skilled with but can't use it to completely incapacitate an opponent who is of equal or stronger strength then him however on these enemy's he can use it for light illusions like making the enemy think he is closer to the right when he is really on the left.)

Sharingan( Can learn faster and copy movements or Jutsu. Faster reaction time and better genjutsu skill)

Shadow clones( can make 26)

Transformatiom Jutsu( can make self look like someone else)


After meeting and training with Jiraiya Haise has mastered the Lightning element and come a long way in his skill with fire and genjutsu. Jirirya, Izuku, and Shoku have become like a new family for him over the time they have trained. He often also teases Shoku and Izuku about their crushes on each other since they haven't colonfessed to each other yet.

Haise was the first to become a Vigilante and it was to find out information on Itachi. He learned with the help of the others and Jiraiya and his spy network that he has joined a powerful group called the Akatsuki who's goal it to get the tailed beast. Learning this has made him train even harder to not only kill Itachi but protect Izuku.

Another problem is he has been having a-lot of run ins with Orochimaru's men. Orochimaru is the snake sanin and one of Jiraiya's old friends until he turned evil and joined the Akatsuki. After staying with them for a year he then left and started his on villan group. Haise has been keeping tabs on all the villan groups including Overhaul and the Yakuza, Itachi and the Akatsuki, and a newer one by the name of the league of Villans. He believes that the league might secretly be headed by the former symbol of evil All For One, and that they might be planing something soon.

As Shisui he is known as the most violent Vigilante of the three even rivaling Stain the Hero Killer in victims.  However Haise only kills criminals who he says are beyond the point of redemption while Stain kills the "False" Heroes. He has gotten into many arguments over his killing with Shoku and Izuku and sometimes even Jiraiya. However none of them had to go through what he did.

After the Uchicha Massacre at first glance it would seem he has somewhat recovered. But most if not all of his smiles and laughs are faked. Deep inside he craves power to be able to avenge his clan and kill his brother. But the lengths he is willing to go to get this power, are unknown to the others....

Level: High Chunin/Low Jonin

'They are called the vigilante trio "TEAM 7" because on a certain mission where Jirirya came along with the three witnesses heard Jirirya order them around by the name Team 7.'

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