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Park Sunghoon's POV

"Hurry up!" I heard Hee from the other line shout to overpower the loud music.

"Is Sunoo there already?" I asked as I checked myself in the mirror.

I decided to wear a black turtle neck and a denim jacket over it. I partnered it with jeans and black boots. I wore accessories too to complete the look.

I looked back to realize that I have yet to buy furnitures for my place.

"Well, no?" He sounded unsure. "Nope, he's not here yet." He confirmed after a moment.

I sighed.

"Send me the location, I'll be on my way." I shook my head then ended the call.

As soon as I received the location, I went out of my unit and decided to just go on my way.

I heard my phone chime a couple of times.

"Are you busy?" It was from Love.

"Someone picked Sunoo up, he told us to not to worry about him. I told you just so you know" Heeseung texted.

I pursed my lips, confused on who to attend to first.

"Yeah, I'm going out with friends." I replied to Love.

My mind wandered over who picked Sunoo up. Who could it be?

"Sunoo and his friend just arrived btw" I received another text from Hee.


I looked at my watch to see that it was already kind of late.

"Want to come?" I texted Love again as she took a while to reply back.

"Oh sure, why not hehe"

"I'll be there at your condo in a while. see you ;)" she continued.

After minutes of waiting, Love texted me that she has arrived. I quickly met her at the parking lot to go to the guys already.


As soon as we entered the club, the loud beating music welcomed us.

My eyes searched for the guys for a while before spotting them at the far corner.

"Hey, they're there. Let's go." I unconsciously held Love's hand to guide her. I know she wouldn't get lost, but I guess it has become a habit of mine, especially when there are lots of people.

"Guys!" I waved at them as soon as we arrived at their table.

I let go of her hand when I saw Sunoo's eyes on us.

Fuck, did he see that? Shit.

I awkwardly laughed and joined them.

"Yah, I didn't know you will bring someone, hm?" Jay, who was sitting quite closely to Jungwon, teased.

"Psh, she's just a frie-"

"Can you pass me that?" I heard Sunoo, who was just right across me, said in a slightly raised voice.

We looked at what he pointed at and saw a bottle of Black Label.

Jake immediately grabbed it and gave it to him. He poured it for himself and drank straight from the shot glass.

"Yah, Sunoo, can you slow down?" Someone quite familiar who is sitting beside him stopped him.

I furrowed my eyebrows when I realized who he was.


"Uhm, you guys should sit down. There are more space here!" Heeseung broke the tension.

"Are we late?" I asked as we both sat.

"Nah, we were just starting." Heeseung pat my back as I caught him shooting a smile at Love.

The guys all spoke together. They even got to know Love. I am glad that they didn't make her uncomfortable as she was the only girl.

I was looking at Sunoo and that guy the whole time. He introduced himself earlier but I feel too drunk to care.

"Hey." Love nudged me.

"Isn't he..." she paused.

"Hm." I nodded, not looking at her. I know she has recognized Sunoo already.

Without realizing, she already has her arms and body leaning against my side.

I tried to slightly push her away, but what caught my attention was Sunoo, who was pouting as he drank shot after shot, as his "friend" tried to stop him.


"Alright, alright, everyone." Jay called our attention.

"Before everyone gets too wasted, why don't we play a little game? Just like the old times." He laughed and looked at Jungwon.

We all payed attention then reacted after he said we'll be playing truth or dare.

We then all agreed so he started to get a bottle to spin at the center of the table.

"W-Wait, can you excuse us?" I said.

I walked Love out of the table, far from their sight to talk to her.

"Hey, I know you're already drunk, but please stop what you're doing." I calmly told her, my head slightly spinning.

"Look, I've seen your eyes on Sunoo, and I have seen his on you. He still likes you." She said.

She doesn't sound drunk at all.

"I'm sober, okay? I know those looks." She added.

"I'm watching him react when I get close to you," she folded her arms. "He obviously hates me already for that." She chuckled.

"He looks quite familiar too!" She added.


"Tell him I'm your girlfriend. Watch his reaction." She confidently commanded. "I doubt he heard about me telling you were a friend since he looked too drunk." She shrugged.

"What? No! Why the fuck should I do that? I would never hurt his feelings like this." I said back.

"How sure are you that he really is hurting? You told me he pushes you away, right? The only thing left to do it to find out his real feelings." She didn't stutter.

It's as if she knew what she was doing.

I didn't know what got to me when I found myself agreeing.

Maybe it is the only way.

Is it?

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