Kate crouched down against the ambulance, her breaths more staggered. All she could see was the car from that day, the sound of her sobs echoing through her ears.

"Hey Kate, all hands on-.." Eddie came to a quick stop, noticing the distressed look on Kate's face. A look he recognised all too well.

Eddie crouched down next to her, he kept a calm stare "Kate, you're safe"

"I.. I know" she mumbled, "he wasn't"

"Can you breathe for me" Eddie spoke calmly

Kate nodded, she took in a few more breaths. She hated being seen this way, so vulnerable and small. Especially when it had been almost three years.

Kate stood up once again, "let's go"

"Kate wait" Eddie grabbed her arm, "there was a car found... it Albert, he was in a bad accident. We gotta find the Car"

Kates face fell, her eyes grew larger "what?"

Not much was said after that, Kate and Eddie ran back to the crew, they ran up and down the crash site and seen nothing new, until they discovered that he was in front of the crash.

When they got there his car was in pieces, it was flipped over and he dangling in his seat and had lost a lot of blood, he was lucky to even be alive. 

They got him out safely and got him to the the ambulance, Kate rode with Eddie and Hen, she wasn't letting him die.  He started to crash in the ambulance, Kate jumped on him and started compressions

"Kate, swap with Hen" Eddie told her, noticing the exhaustion

"No" Kate spat, "she got in that car, she put her son in that car and she took a bottle of alcohol in that car with her. She drank, she was drunk and she drove onto a highway, her son had to call. Her son, and now people have died, people have died and Albert will not be one. Today is suppose to be the best day of chimneys life and I'm not letting her ruin it" she ranted

"He's got a pulse!" Eddie exclaimed


Kate and Buck walked into their apartment, they were met by their babysitter, Josie was babbling away in her arms

"Hey baby" Buck smiled, taking the 5 month old from Clare's arms "I missed you"

"Sorry, I know she's suppose to be a sleep but she's been wide awake" Clare apologized

"Don't worry about it, baby's don't do routines" buck reassured.

Thanks" Kate barely mumbled, she excused herself to the bathroom. Running the shower, she heard the vague sound of the door closing.

Kate took in some deep breaths, washing cold water over her face, she stared at herself in the mirror.

Kate wasn't one to let a call get under her skin, it was one rule of their job. Don't make it personal, but that call made everything personal.

"Kate" buck knocked on the door.

Kate whipped her head up from the sink "yeah"

𝘼𝙁𝙏𝙀𝙍 𝙁𝙇𝘼𝙈𝙀 // 𝙀𝙑𝘼𝙉 𝘽𝙐𝘾𝙆𝙇𝙀𝙔Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin