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"Are you sure you don't want a story?" Kate asked Christopher,

Eddie had a date with Ana and promised his son he'd be home in time for a story, for whatever reason he was late and Christopher was adamant on getting a story from only Eddie.

"Dad promised" Christopher protested

"Okay, you in insist" Kate sighed, "you have got another 10 minutes but if you not you'll have to settle for me and Buck. Deal" Kate held out her hand

"Deal!" Christopher shook it

Kate stood up from his bed and walked out of his room, that boy ran a hard bargain.

"No story?" Buck asked

Kate shook her head "no story, but we made a deal. If Eddie isn't home in ten minutes than it's a story"

"Kid can bargain" Buck joked

Kate chuckled, "don't I know it. Is she okay?"

"Wide awake" Buck said, "she doesn't seem to want to sleep tonight. Do you Josie?" He rocked her, hoping she'd soon give in

"We have got two protesting kids, great!"

Buck pulled Kate towards him, planting a kiss on her lips

"Ahh" Josie screeched, lately she had been babbling a lot more. Sometimes it was like she was trying to have a conversation

"What!" Kate exclaimed, "you need to sleep little lady " she played with Josie's hand

"Yes you do" Buck wiggled her legs

Josie giggled, seemingly still awake as ever.

Eddie walked in.

Kate extended her wrist and glanced at her watch "Edmundo Diaz, you are late"

"There was construction on Sunset. Had to take a detour." He replied, sliding his coat off and dropping it over the couch "Christopher already in bed?"

"Oh, yeah." Buck nodded

"You two are miracle workers"

"No, just an excellent negotiator. See, he was willing to get ready for bed and get in the bed. We were not allowed to turn the lights off or tell him a story." Buck explained

"Can't even get a 5month old to sleep" Kate added, pointing to the wide eyed baby

Eddie turned to walk to Christopher's room, Kate grabbed his shoulder and pulled him back "ah ah Edmundo, how was the date?" She asked

His lips tugged into a warm smile, he exhale happily "It was nice. She taught me math"

Bucks brows furrowed, he mumbled a question

"Kinky" Kate remarked, a chuckle was heard from Eddie as he turned into Christopher's room

Buck shook his head, Kate grabbed their things and walked out to the car; she buckled Josie into her car seat and got in to the passenger seat "maybe this will knock her out" she hoped


Kate leaned against the red fire truck, she glanced over to Taylor Kelly. A touch of jealousy igniting inside of her

A man landed himself on the roof of the house and was threatening to jump, he was causing a scene which involved police firefighters and the news.. the news that was hosted by Taylor Kelly

Kate wasn't sure why she felt worried, she didn't feel this worried when she met Abby and she was more than a fling. Kate trusted Buck entirely but a part of her didn't trust Taylor

𝘼𝙁𝙏𝙀𝙍 𝙁𝙇𝘼𝙈𝙀 // 𝙀𝙑𝘼𝙉 𝘽𝙐𝘾𝙆𝙇𝙀𝙔Where stories live. Discover now