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"I think your nana has sent more baby things" Kate dropped the small cardboard box on the table, she used her key to cut through the tape, she pulled it open, a note sat on wrapped material.

Kate took the small onesie from the box, it was white and read "sometimes I pretend I'm a fire truck and scream" in ref text.

Kate heard bucks keys in the door "hey, mams sending more-.." she looked over to Buck, she notice his red eyes; he'd been crying, but why was he was crying.

"Are we going to tell Josie about Sam when she's older?" He asked

Kate was taken by the question, it was never really spoken about but she always they would, "yes, of course" she nodded

"I had a brother" he muttered, he hadn't strayed away from the door yet, his eyes hadn't left the floor.

Kate walked over to him, she lifted his chin and noticed a few more fallen tears. Kate took his hand and lead him to the couch, they both sat down.

"Evan what happened?" She asked,

"Maddie told me I had a brother, his name was Daniel. He died when I was a one" Buck explained

"How did he die?" Kate asked, she didn't want to seem to invasive but right now Buck was worrying her. He seemed so closed off all of a Sudden.

"Leukemia" he relied dryly, "Maddie wasn't a match for bone marrow transplant and neither were my parents. So that's how I came along, I was their last chance to save their son; they didn't even want me, I was born for parts. That's why they never cared, why they always treated me like a failure because I was one, I was suppose to save their child and I couldn't so they hated me for it. They hated me since before I knew how to talk" he ranted, his voice broke at the end and tears rolled down his face.

Kate wanted to feel bad for his parents, that part of her who knew what it was like to lose a child always would but the rest of her was full of anger, how could someone make their own son feel so worthless.

"They never wanted me, they never loved me. I was deemed worthless the day Daniel died and I've been worthless and useless ever since, I'm just a waste of space"

"No no no" Kate shook her head "you are allowed be mad and upset but you can not run yourself down like this, you were a baby Evan, you had no control or say over what happened. What happened to Daniel must have been horrible but it is not your fault, you are more than what your parents paint you to be okay. You are not useless or worthless, you are an amazing person with a big heart who has saved me more times than I can remember; you are an amazing dad and an amazing partner"

"I just feel so mad" he said quietly, "mad at my parents and mad at Maddie for not telling me. I feel like my whole life has been a lie"

Kate linked her arm around bucks, she scooted closer to him; his head rested on her shoulder.

"You can mad for as long as you need" Kate murmured, "we will get through this okay, no matter what happens I'll be here. I promise"

The wailing cries of a baby filled their small silence, Kate glanced at the time and realised it was probably time she ate. If anything their daughter knew how to stick to a schedule.

"I'll get her" Buck offered, standing up he left the room.

"What was it?" Buck asked, walking back to the room

"Just a onesies. Kind of a appropriate to the occasion" she said, holding it up

"She okay?" Kate asked

"Yeah, just a diaper change"

"Nappy" Kate correct

"Whatever" Buck gave a small Laugh

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