kindled nostalgia

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a/n: Hey guys.... I know it's been a long time, and sorry I haven't updated in soooooo long. I've kinda been in a reading and writing stump and suddenly I didn't really have the motivation to write or read so I took a month to myself to just relax and focus on other things like school work but I feel wayyy better now. Thanks for your patience so here is the chapter everyone has been waiting for!

Will's POV

         My family and I are on our way to the abandoned resolute, we need to be there to make it to Alpha Centauri. The ship is bigger and this way we'll be able to find the rest of the colony on the way, Mom set a course for the resolute and it was gonna take about an hour.

I grabbed a grilled cheese and walked to my room, I sat down on my bed and just stared into nowhere for a while. My head lost in thought ,clouded with the judgment my mind was giving me because I left Y/n to go find Amy.

' stupid decision Will, now the one girl you have ever showed interest in is probably dead. But don't think like that Will, have hope she's still alive. '

Thought after thought, I could've thought about anything but I just seemingly decided to think about Y/n and now I can't stop worrying about her. Hopefully she's on Alpha Centauri, my eyes shifted to the picture I have of me and her in one of her workshops. This was months before the first attack and she was still only my best friend.

Nothing more.

I laid on my bed, she's 14 now and so am I. I wonder what she looks like now. Nothing could have changed right? Does she still think about me? If I saw her again and tried to lightly kiss her would she not like that? Is she still into me?? Does she still think I have pretty eyes??!?

Insensitive Will. I thought, just fall asleep to music and you'll go back to being slightly home sick and you won't think about her.


A couple minutes later and I'm changing into my white shirt , comfy pants and cool space jacket. Unfortunately when I walked out of my room to see the progress of Jupiter's radar systems I saw Smith lurking in the halls again. And to think after everything she's done she can walk with her head held high. How is she even out of her room? I thought Penny locked her in?

But before I could ask her what she's doing she left in a hurry, weird. But I simply ignored it and walked to the cockpit, mom and Judy were looking at the Jupiters air levels while Penny and dad were looking at some kind of chart.

" So when are we due to land on the resolute?"

I asked , I'm so tired of waiting.

" in about 45 minutes sweetie " answered mom, she then pulled out schematics for the alien engine.

a/n: sidenote this is taking place in the last few episodes of season 2 so season three is coming!!

I thank my mom and walk out of the cockpit to head to the engine room.



          I was freaking out. And so was everyone else. I was sitting in the cockpit working, running some diagnostics and checking air valves while Amy and Jasper were running from place to place trying to clean up the mess that three teens , a robot and a child made over the course of an entire year.

Samantha was watering plants while Alaska reorganized the entire board room.Which kinda turned into a games room, so there were random things laying everywhere.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 23, 2023 ⏰

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