i met you

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A/n : Hey guys what's up here's chapter 3 hope you enjoy. And let's pretend Will and Y/N are 13 even though in the picture he looks younger.

Y/ns POV

I look at Victor and say "no we can't leave  yet" I completely forgot about Alaska. " Oh right we're are Jake ,Jane and Conner ?" I thought to myself how they never found out that they died. Amy then explains why they aren't here, and it is obvious Victor and Vijay are upset like father like son am I right ?

A/n : I am so cringe and all my friends hate it

" We also found a alien " I said trying to sound as casual as possible .
But John and Victor were eyeing me in a serious way like they actually believe me .
"can you call this robot here now?" John asked and I said sure , " Alaska!" I say in a half yell half soft voice.

The robot comes towards me and John gapes at the sight of a robot like his sons but shiny , covered in white metal with purple specs enstead of blue . Victor orders me to come with him and asks Jolene to take Amy home , Amy was curious but followed his orders anyways. As I walked with Victor I noticed that Alsaka is behind me and behind her is John looking down to the floor as if he was worried or nervous for something.

Third Person POV

Victor took them to a conference room and Y/n felt like there was something Victor and John were hiding from her. As they walked in the room was empty and cold, the definition of creepy. Victor sat down along with John so Y/n sat down looking questionable, Alaska sits down as well.

John puts his wrist to his mouth and radios someone " Will come to the confrence room on B28 level 2 ,and bring your robot with you" " Alright coming " Will responds then John disconects the radio. Y/n looked shocked like she has seen an octopus throw up a telephone that still is funcional and catch a virus from half across the world then become preseident of the USA. Yup that shocked , " what!There is another robot???" Y/n yells with clear anger and shock in her voice . She figured out that that was what John was so nervous about, " I am sorry we didn't tell you as soon as we saw her but we didn't know what to do" Victor explains trying not to get on Y/ns bad side .Because this girl has a brown belt in taekwondo and has a robot that will attack on her permission, this 13 year old girl is the biggest threat any of us have come across. Y/n showed signs of visible anger and frustration, and the next thing you know ,Will comes barging in with his robot.

Y/ns POV
A boys came barging into the conference room and I was expecting for him explain why he had barrged in suddenly . But then , I realize hes the boy with the other robot. As soon as I figure it out he had been in the room for a basic second , me and Victor stand up almost imideietly and Alaska does to ,his face changes from worry as why his father called him sounding urgent to shock. He was gasping so much I think he ran out of breath, Victor comes forward and says " Hello Will we need your help ,Y/n here just arrived from Axtar and brings a robot and since you already have one - " he gets cut off when Will says "What!!?? I thought mine was the only one ??"
"Apparently not" John answers "and we need your help as to how Y/n found hers ". Gesturing to the robot.

Wills POV
I stop and take a look at her robot. It had a shiny clean white metal body and purple specs in the screen. As soon as I look at the the robot Victor suggests that him and John should leave so me and Y/n can talk, I sit down after they leave in a chair facing her . She was looking down at the table with her hands interlocked in front for her. I say " hi nice to meet you ! I'm Will Robinson"
I say as I stick my hand out , "I'm Y/n Darwin, nice to meet you " she says while shaking my hand . Then she looks at me eye to eye , and I start shaking. She's so beautiful with her h/l , h/c and e/c eyes.

A/n : h/l means hair length , h/c means hair color and e/c mean eye color . Thanks bye .

Y/ns POV
I look into his eyes and see a very handsome 13 year old with beautiful brown hair and eyes . I quickly snap out of this trance and ask a few questions about Wills robot , and he happily answered. I can't help but think if he is being nice to me because his dad said to or because he just enjoys talking to me ? Then he asks me questions about my robot and I tell him about how her eyes change orange when mad and how I discovered her. Will looked fascinated and interested as to what I was saying which I enjoyed , wait snap out of it you just met .I think to myself.

After we finish talking when went to find Victor and Will's dad which I figure out 8 minutes into the conversation. We walk past everyone with both robot's behind us so we looked cool . I took the opportunity in front of me and started walking with confidence at the next turn . I mean I already am famous thanks to my parents so why not make more news to talk about?

Wills POV
We started walking and after a turn Y/n started walking faster and with more confidence making her look bad ass. We walk to the cafeteria we're Victor and Dad are ,along with other kids who stared at us which I think made me feel like me and Y/n were the center of the stage which ngl feels kinda good. Alaska which I found out was the name of Y/ns robot was staring at a group of boys that looked stunned by Y/n's beauty . Alaska's lights were turning orange and Y/n noticed and put a hand on Alskas shoulder and said she is fine and that she doesn't feel bothered by the boys . Wow I think to myself what a pretty and smart girl. Wait , what? No I just met her give me a break Will said in his thoughts. Y/n excused herself to find Amy and explain everything that just happened .

Y/ns POV
I find Amy talking to Mark her uncle m, after they talk Amy comes to Y/n and says " hey what's up and also what happened with Victor and John? " she asked and I answer everything that happened and Amy is shocked and happy there is someone out there like me .

Time skip to an hour later

It's getting late I am climbing into my bed and think about Will wow I think.

Wills POV
I finish brushing my teeth then hop into bed and think of the crazy day I've had. The more I thought about the contents of today the more I thought about Y/n. I really didn't think there would be more people like me with robots, plus hers is so cool not to mention how cool she is.

A/n : Heys guys how was the chapter what did you think in Y/n and Wills encounter? Let me know and on the topic of them they won't be any smut in thins book because I don't like writing it and reading it . But there will be a lottttt of flufffffff 🥰
Love you guys bye.

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