funny things

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A/n : Hey guys sorry for not posting I have two other stories and they are also in need of posting so I am trying to get time to write these but also have time to read stories and just be a kid.

Y/ns POV

We have been on the resolute  for a year after the abandonment and we have started getting used to living on a abandoned ship and even created a daily routine.
I wake up put on a tank top and leggings and a sweater and put my hair into a French braid so it can be out of my face. I walk into the cafeteria to see Amy , the robot and Samantha. Samantha we also found on this ship hiding after two days of being refugees . she has no dad and misses her mom, she has long straight hair and an adorable face for a little kid and has a habit of cracking jokes.

I walk into the cafeteria and say hi to them grab an apple and signal the robot to follow me as I need her help. Her purple specs moved as she stood up but no one really know what it means. I lead Alaska to the basement of the resolute where they keep the chariots and have Alaska push the chariots to the corner so I can work on putting a transmitter into a old radio for possible news to what's happening to the colony and on earth as we were cut off on both ends when SAR came. I finish then point to the cafeteria and she goes back, while I clean up. After I clean up I slide down one of the empty walls and push small stands of hair stuck to my face because of sweat, then I think about Will . It had been a year since they had seen eachother so I had always wondered what he looked like now because as I have matured. And look different so I wonder what's changed about him.

Wills POV

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