they're here

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A/n: sorry last chapter was so short I was in a hurry to finish but this chapter will be long promise 🤞


Y/N and Amy finish setting everything up and are getting ready for takeoff.
The computer starts talking and states T -3 minutes till takeoff.

Amy's POV

I was about to ask Y/N if she finished pre-checking the fuel tanks when the computer stated "T minus 5 seconds to launch"
I start panicking but I started doing breathing exercises and then I felt better. The Jupiter starts moving up in the air and me and Y/N are forced back in our chairs and I start feeling pressure on my chest I try my best to stay calm and before we knew it we were out of the atmosphere and officially in space. I turn on auto pilot and set a course to the resolute and start unbuckling myself. "woof that was an experience I forgot was so painful" Y/N stated. I scoffed "yeah it was painful but at least we're in space now and heading to the resolute" I stated back at Y/n .

The computer starts talking and says that we're going at the highest speed and will get to the resolute in three hours.
I take off my helmet and walk into the kitchen and pour myself a cup of coffee. What I didn't know was that was the last of the coffee ,Y/N walked into the kitchen and saw me holding an empty pitcher and a cup full of coffee. She doesn't get mad but says "come on dude that was the last of it I wanted some I had to throw my entire cup because of the launch" but she ends up forgiving me. I take a sip of coffee and it taste disgusting and like it was past the expiration date so I spit it out and say "Ew this tastes horrible I think it's gone bad" Then I dump the rest out and leave. Y/N looks at the sink and dips of finger in the empty coffee mug then she muttered about how it was just cold and that it was black coffee which I hate. I'm pretty sure she's mad at me now.

Y/ns POV
Two hours have gone by and one left until we get to the resolute I kind of don't want to go back or have at least a tiny bit of fear of going back because my parents are heroes a.k.a. legends there and I don't wanna be in the spotlight I'm not the type of shy person you'd expect me to be when I say that but I'm not it's just a lot of pressure to be under the spotlight.
After grabbing some crackers from the kitchen and some plain old water I head to the table and sit down I grab a stack of cards that are sticky taped to the table from below and before you ask why it's just always been like that ever since we first took off two years ago .

I radio Amy who was in her room on the other side of the Jupiter to come to the main room. Before she can get there Alaska walked in I said hey I didn't really expect anything to be said back which didn't. Alaska stands next to me and looks at the cards I am holding " i'm getting ready to play Uno with Amy here take a look"
I grab a few cards different colors and give them to her in her hand, she looks at them and stares for a while I'm pretty sure she was mesmerized by the colors but then she puts them back and sits down in the chair next to me. I stare at her in shock she had never done that before so I guess she just copied out from Amy or me so that was kind of cool I guess.

I finish setting the cards and shuffling them. Amy walked in and grabbed her deck assuming we were going to play. We play a few rounds and Amy ends up winning the first two and I end up winning the last two. And after that we got into a heated argument about adding 2 take 2 cards to make a take four. I thought it was allowed but apparently Amy didn't. After we made up I put the cards back in its box and duck taped it back under the table.

"Hey what time is it?"
"it's currently 5:04 why?" She asks
" if it's 5:04 doesn't that mean we have about 10 minutes until we get there to the resolute?"
"Oh my gosh Y/N I didn't even notice I guess we should get ready the computer should alert us in about six minutes that will get there so we should already start turning on equipment for landing" Amy says

I was about to go change jackets when the alarm went off Amy ran to the cockpit to see what was happening then she yells at me saying the fuel tank is leaking.
I run to my room quickly grab my mechanical tools and gear and head to the tank systems under the flooring of the main hall. I open a trap door that's at the end of the hallway and jump in to the tank room, I look around and noticed the tank for the fuel had a scratch and a lot of fuel was spilling out.

I ran to the other side of the room to where the fuel spilling out and got my medical toolbox which was right next to it, I pulled out some tools . And think how I'm going to fix this, then I looked down and to the left to see what caused the tear in the tank and see a huge chunk of ice so I grabbed a crowbar from my toolbox and tried my best to smash into pieces.
After 10 minutes I was able to restore all the fuel that spilled out and fixed some other problems while I was down there.

On this ship Amy is the smart caring one and I'm the sarcastic smart engineer that knows this Jupiter better than any teenager on the resolute. So it didn't really take a while to fix it.
As soon as I finish Amy radios me from the cockpit saying that we have arrived at the Resolute. I jerk up and immediately climb out of the room and sprint the the hatch door . As I got there I saw Amy and she looked just as happy and excited as I was to finally be back home, We wait for the ship to fully connect with the resolute and the button turned red so as I was the closest to the door I press the button and the doors opened. And we saw Victor Darr , Matthew Cannon , John Robinson and Vijay Darr aka Victors son, standing at the doorway , as soon as Victor saw us he smiled and said welcome back.

Victors POV
Three hours ago
I was sitting with the rest of the council in a meeting when my assistant Jolene Kim walks in and asks for me. I leave the room with her and close the door behind me then ask her what's going on. She looked at me wide-eyed and in disbelief that I don't remember what day it is and tells me " it's May third ."
I stare in disbelief and start walking to the entrance hatch which was on the other side of the resolute , I had Jolene behind me a few other assistants of mine ,Matthew Canon, John Robinson and my son Vijay. I get to the resolute hatch entrance for Jupiter seven but don't see any sign of a Jupiter, so I asked Jolene where they are and she said they had not arrived yet. I felt relieved as there is time to prepare. I spent the whole three hours getting ready everything I needed to welcome the most important girl ,her best friend and the three other kids back to the resolute.

Y/ns POV
Back to now
Victor welcomes us back to the resolute and then Amy runs up to Jolene and hugs her it was so adorable to watch. But I wish I had someone to hug but I didn't ,sometimes it's really hard not having any parents but I know that they are proud of me in heaven watching over me.
After Amy and Jolene finish hugging John Robinson comes up to me and introduces himself. We chat for a while then Victor says th "it is time to go to the lab to interview you both on what It was like living on Axtar and your findings on it "

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