the clocks strikes cannon

508 11 4

Warning mild language used

Wills POV
In my suit I jump a small rock while humming to myself some Micheal Jackson originals when I spot the kind of blue glowy plant I was looking for all along and pick it up. It was effortsly beautiful and shiny under the gloomy sky. I start to walk back to the Jupiter and that's when I see the hole in the film protecting the air from hitting our crops I run as fast as I can there and patch it up. After I step back and take a look at the film patched up already so many times. I walk into the Jupiter with the glowy stuff and hand it to mom. She thanks me and tells me to go get ready for a special Christmas dinner. I walk to my room and put on a simple shirt and space issued leggings, you know standard for a 14 year old boy stuck on a different planet. 
Simply normal. Right?

Y/ns POV
I wake up and change clothes quickly and walk out of my room to hear rummaging going on in the main cafeteria. I slowly walk there without giving away my excistance but it's hard after the somewhat human boy shaped fiqure went through my box of lady items accidentally. I swore I could see the disgusting look from far away. I grab my taser that was sitting on a ledge and wait for the perfect moment to jump out of my hiding spot.
"AHHH" I yell
" AHHHHHHH" the boy says
I grab him by the collar and pin him against the wall holding my taser to his face.
" AHHH DONT HURT ME PLEASE !" the boy says desperately, I let go of him slowly walked back with caution. I study the boy, he had shaggy brunette hair and deep mysterious grey eyes somewhat resembling Mathew Cannon then it hit me oh SHIT. I quickly grab him by the collar again and hurl him into a big pile of soft boxes in the corner that used to contain an assortment of hand towels and napkins.
" Hey!!!" He says
" shut up Cannon"
" how do you know my name? " he asks looking pretty puzzled but I didn't respond but instead I yelled into my radio " AMYYYYY!!"
I could hear the startled screams from sector B ( sleeping quarters) all the way from G 26 ( Cafeteria ). I hear impaled footsteps and saw Amy running into the cafeteria with light bed hair and a plain navy blue robe and a dark pair of pijamas under. She slides right in due to her slippers and almost fell but caught herself at the last moment. I was still holding the taser to the Cannons neck so the scene was very confusing.

Amy's POV
I see one of the most weirdest things I have ever ran into before but I start off asking why the hell a boy was being literally assaulted by Y/n. I take the taser from her and we start asking questions to him.
" who are you ?" I ask sounding very stern but also in a kinda Hermionie Granger way.

" Jasper Cannon " he says

" okay Jasper Cannon why are you in our cafeteria?" Y/n asks sounding very frustrated.

" it's not your cafeteria" Jasper say and I can already see the angry sweat glands coming out of Y/ns face

" Well your pissing me off and so if you don't give us answers I will taser and I don't care who your relative is." She says

" Fine , fine I was hiding in the vents and I needed food so I snuck out at an early time to get some it's simple as that" Jasper said smugly.
He sure was smug but I gotta admit he was pretty cute. After talking for awhile Y/n and I agreed that he would stay in sector B with the rest of the gang. Alaska then walked in the Jasper yelled
" calm down Jasper that's Alaska Y/n's robot"
" SHE HAS A ROBOT????!!!!!!" Jasper asks with fear, worry and angryness all tangled up in his voice. I explain to him what she was while Y/n comforted Alaska who was turning into orange specs from the yelling.

A month later .....
Everything was great, if you count being in space without no contact with anyone and being abandoned then yeah ,great. On the plus side Y/n and Jasper have a good friendship now but me and him bicker here and there a lot more often than normal. Jasper has gotten used to the robot being around and Samantha as well. Hopefully no one will realized we literally interrogated a Cannon when a civilization comes back. Hopefully.

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