blast offs and shocked cores

394 15 5

Y/ns POV
I was feeling a bit tired, the coffee was wearing off and the coffee grounds were in the basement along with the rest of the food we're rationing.

With the sudden sharp pain in my head, probably another headache, I grew tired ten times faster. It was 2:35 am and not one experience of shut-eye was felt since early morning, but I can't sleep now. I'm too close.

The ships damages had finally caught up to us and we needed to take refuge on a random planet. The atmosphere's levels were close to earths so the air was only just a teeny bit tainted.

That was good enough so about a week ago we landed and started to modernize our living space. It was all good enough, due to our circumstances ,this was plenty enough.

I sat up from the makeshift desk we had made out of supplies, scattered around me were a bunch of charts and analytics about the Resolute's disfuncioning communications system. Things were side tracking but I knew that we were gonna get out of this hard spot in a few hours.

I had repaired all of the damages that effected flight and landings with the help of Jasper, Amy and Alaska. And with that, we were cleared to launch.

I sat in my seat in the cockpit and prepared for the departure, by doing security checks and radioing everyone on board to come to the cockpit.

Amy, Jasper, Alaska and Samantha all piled into the cockpit sitting in their designated seats and buckling in. Amy started to do some manual preflight checks mainly on the engine and Jasper and Samantha put on their helmets. 
Alaska was carrying some stuff to the main deck when the three long awaited minutes were over.

Beginning flight checks

Stated the computer,

T-minus 10 seconds to launch

" is everybody strapped in?" I said over my suits coms. A chorus of people saying yes tunneled over and the resolute took off.

I imeadietly felt the pressure on my chest and tried to stay calm, but it was nearly impossible.

But before I knew it we had safely made I through the atmosphere and were now in space. The stars looked extra bright at this hour, twinkling in the dark sky.

Autopilot has commenced

We were heading in the direction of Alpha Centauri, I just wish everyone else was too.
I unbuckled my seatbelt and took off my helmet, starting a path to the Jupiter.

I took off my suit and changed into a nicely matched pair of clothes, something simple but also durable. I put back on my radio and headed back to the cockpit to talk with Amy.

I walked into the cockpit to see everyone doing something significant, some more or less. Amy was bickering with Jasper again and Samantha and Alaska were playing rock paper scissors. Well the version that Samantha taught her, Rock Paper Scissors shoot.

I break up Amy and Jaspers arguing and pull Amy aside.

" Ames what do we do now? "

" what do you mean N/n?"

" what about the Robinsons? Do you think there on Alpha Centauri?"

" They probably are I mean so could the rest of the colony."

" I know that but I just have a gut feeling that something bad is gonna happen."

" Your sweating it , don't , it's probably nothing "

" alright"

I agreed with Amy but it didn't feel right, something was gonna happen.


I sat in the kitchen , munching on a bowl of Cheerios while Amy mindlessly attacked Jasper with various " nerdy" comments due to the fact she can't handle criticism.

It has been a few hours since my gut feeling that something was gonna happen passed. And nothing had happed so I was feeling fine.

Samantha walked in with a pale face and told us that something was coming our way. My heart dropped. I rushed to the grand cockpit and quickly tapped into the navigation systems and radar signals.

It looked round and small whatever was coming at us, I was still nervous so I ran a diagnostic scan on it and turns out it's a Jupiter.

" computer, scan that Jupiter coming our way"

The Jupiter is interlocked in a course coming at the resolute is flying at normal speed and shall be here in about an hour

Stated the computer. But that's not what I wanted,

" computer what Jupiter is flying in our direction?" I said firmly.

Amy and the rest walked into the cockpit,

" what's going on? What following us?"
Asked Jasper

The Jupiter on the course is Jupiter 2 Miss Darwin

Said the computer cutting off Jasper.

My mind went to a different place, my knees felt weak and hands started shaking. I collapsed in one of the chairs near me, I turned around in the chair to face my friends.

" The Robinsons are in Jupiter 2 "

I will never forget the faces they all had on, Samantha looked a bit confused but understood based on the stories I told about them, Amy look shocked and out of breath all of a sudden and Jasper looked confused but recognized the name because he once met John Robinson.

' Am I really going to finally see him again?'
I thought. I couldn't really process what was being said to me, my words jumbled in my mouth and eventually turned into a mute noise.

" OMFG !" Yelled Amy.

because of Samantha she just said the letters

" Are we finally going to see the Robinsons again?!?"

" Looks like it" I replied

My breathing stopped going crazy and my head snapped back into its right mind.

Everyone took a minute to process this, but the last seconds were interrupted by Alaska walking in. She walked to me and patted my head for some reason.

I smiled and stated the elephant in the room

" well I guess we should start preparing for the arrival of the Robinsons"

I didn't believe the words coming out of ny mouth.

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