Chapter Forty Five - Blood. So much blood.

Start from the beginning

"I love all of you, please stay safe and follow the plan. I'll see you soon, I promise."

My head was aching from fighting the urge to cry. I grabbed the small pouch Addilyn had given me and opened the apartment door. I looked over my shoulder and gave a small wave back to everyone.


I walked down the streets of Elisora in the beautiful dress I was wearing. A lot of people were headed in the same direction as me, the castle.

I walked as fast as humanly possible, tripping over my dress a couple times as well. It was really starting to piss me off.

People walked down the streets in damn ballgowns, still much more gracefully than me. I had grumbled to myself every time one of them walked passed me and scoffed at my ungracefulness. I gave them the finger and continued.

I finally reached the castle gates. Open and free to anyone. Two guards stationed one each side of the gates. The King's first mistake, if I was so dressed up and hidden, I could've had two cowering fools on the ground unresponsive within seconds.

I pushed the thoughts away and gave them both a small smile before picking up my dress and walking through the gates. A couple other woman followed close behind me, I just walked faster and pulled out the fan Addilyn had bought me from the dress shop.

I opened the fan and fanned my face, hiding almost all of it apart from my sparkling green eyes. Four guards stationed on the steps leading up to the castle's grand doors.

I didn't bother looking at them since they didn't really show any emotion as I passed them.

More and more guards filled the corridors and hallways I passed. All armed with guns and basically every part of their body was covered with some sort of special armour.

I made sure not to look for a second too long. I didn't want any suspicions rising before we even got to start part one of the plan. I continued down the hallways and doors until I found the ballroom. The doors had been open, just like every other entrance in the castle.

I gracefully entered the doors. I put my fan away and tucked a piece of hair behind my ear. I still couldn't believe I had brown hair. It looked gross on me.

I started down the stairs whilst scanning the crowd for some familiar faces, but I couldn't see Ace or Kai. They were probably congregating or still getting ready. I did however see Amelia and Silas sitting on one of the tables, laughing and smiling to the people surrounding them.

I quickly descended down the stairs and made my way to the further corner of the ballroom, where Ace had promised to meet me beforehand. He had assured me there would be a free table where the four of them could sit and pretend to talk and laugh while we waited for the perfect moment to give the signal to the team, who should be getting in place as we speak.

I was inches away from the empty table tucked away from all the others when I saw Ace walking toward the same table from the opposite direction, looking as handsome as ever.


I was fiddling with the cuff on my sleeve and making my way to the table I had promised Victoria, I would meet her at

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I was fiddling with the cuff on my sleeve and making my way to the table I had promised Victoria, I would meet her at. Then, I saw her.

Even though I had seen her in the dress when she bought it, her hair was done up and her face. Her god damn face. She smiled shyly at me when she realised, I was looking her up and down.

I fought the urge to grab her face and smash my lips onto hers. I fought it with every bit of common sense and stability I had. I grinned sheepishly, taking her hand, and bringing it up to my mouth.

"Don't make me pull out my fan again." She said. I didn't let go of her hand as we made our way to the table and took a seat.

She hesitantly looked around, "Shouldn't we be on the dance floor or something? Won't someone notice us? Look at how many guards there are Ace..."

"Dancing doesn't start for another couple minutes Angel. Kai's coming out in a second and all the attention will be on him anyways."

She nodded and just stared at me for a while. My smile slowly grew bigger as I realised, she was checking me out. Her eyes continued going lower and lower down my figure.

"Perv," I mumbled under my breath.

She hummed back in response. She smirked and brought her eyes back up to mine. We looked into each other's eyes for a while, then the first couple of cheers erupted and I realised Kai had walked out and was standing with my mother.

A couple young ladies were staring at him...and drooling. I laughed to myself knowing they had no chance at getting with him.

He looked handsome, and I was proud. My mother, Kai and I had spoken before I had walked out to meet with Victoria. I had told Kai not to show any sign of fear when he saw my father, and not to cower before him. I didn't want him looking or feeling weak.

My mother knew we were going through with the mission, so she kissed every inch of our faces and told us she loved us multiple times. For the first time in years, I told her I loved her too. We all hugged for a couple minutes, then pulled away and went our separate ways.

Kai stood proudly beside my mother, my father ruffled his hair and stood on the other side of him. Kai didn't even flinch.

I beamed up at him, Victoria stood at my side and waved up at him. He noticed us, smiled, and waved back at us.

Victoria squeezed my hand, "He looks amazing Ace. I'm so proud of him."

"I am too," I squeezed back.

"A toast to my son, who is now sixteen years old!" He raised the glass of champagne up in the air. Everyone below him copied his movements, squealing and shouting in excitement.

Victoria and I raised our glasses, the biggest smiles on both of our faces. My father took a sip, and so did everyone else.

Then, it was as if my world flipped upside down.

My mother dropped her glass, it shattered beneath her feet. She cupped a hand over her mouth and started violently coughing into it.

My father just stared at her, a faint smirk on his face.

Kai rushed over and started rubbing her back, yelling into her ear, and asking if she was alright.

Victoria and I both dropped our glasses and sprinted toward the stage. I no longer cared if my father saw us and shot us dead, my mother needed to be alright.

"Mum? Mum! Are you okay? Please answer me!" Kai pleaded over and over again.

She just continued coughing.

I grabbed her shoulders, "Mum, just...oh god. You're going to be alright. It's going to be fine."

"Someone get a glass of water for her!" Victoria shouted out into the crowd.

Kai wasn't breathing properly, but he still managed to yell out, "Call a nurse immediately!"

She fell back into the chair she had been sitting on earlier. I quickly fell forward onto my knees and grabbed her hand.

Blood. So much blood.

"Mother? Mum? Please just...please..."

She looked at Kai and I who were kneeled before her. The tears starting flowing and I couldn't stop myself. Victoria was behind me, her hands on my shoulders and her eyes on my mother.

"" She croaked out, looking at all three of us. Then, her eyes slowly shut, her head fell to the side and her body went limp.

a/n: lowkey died while writing this so um im very sorry 

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