Fifty-six. Arriving at the hotel (extra)

Start from the beginning

The other side of the arm was wrapped around him and he enjoyed the human roux mattress provided by his sister.

Held each other, some bored Eeya also sleepy ...... wait until Lin Miao once again noticed the two sisters behind - E

The two sisters were in the same room, and the two sisters were in the same room.

The two of them were huddled together on the edge of the seat, looking like they were sleeping soundly ......

"The two silly girls ......" turned up the air conditioning a bit, Lin Miao didn't bother them, and concentrated on driving ......

It's better to hurry to the hotel and let these two little girls go to bed and have a good sleep ......

--The three siblings are in a hurry...

"Wake up, girls ......" After parking the car, Lin Miao tried to wake up the two sisters who were cuddled together in the back.

"Are we there yet?" Eeya woke up quickly, rubbing her own eyes and looking around, before intending to get up from her seat.

As a result of this movement, the little one in her arms suddenly let out a whimper of extreme dissatisfaction, a low sound like a small animal zhàng fur, scaring

She shrank back, not daring to move.

"The luggage was taken out of the trunk, Lin Miao came to the car door and looked at Eeya for help.

The first time I saw her, I didn't know what to say.

This Elu ...... has really returned to childhood? This wake-up call is so big that even the reaction of zhà hair is exactly the same as when she was a child.

"Forget it, let her sleep, can you hold your sister?" In his heart, he estimated that this girl would not get up for a while, Lin Miao opened the

car door and asked to Eeya.

"If you can hold it, then I will carry the luggage ...... room reservation, the front desk registration does not take much time."

"I don't think I can hold it ......," sniffed Eeya, showing a difficult look.

Although her own sister said she was quite light, her own strength was really not very strong. It was fine to carry her for a while, but she couldn't support her for much longer.

The first thing that she could do was to carry her sister upstairs, not to mention the other side.

When Lin Miao went to the trunk to get her luggage, she tried to wake up a certain loli. But every time she moved a little, the other girl would start to

A fierce sound as if she wanted to eat someone ......

"Wake up Xiaolu ......" Lin Miao lowered her head and whispered in Elu's ear.

"No!" His Highness the Demon King suddenly zhà hair, tightly closed his eyes, cathartically shouted these words before wrapping his hands directly around Eia

The neck. It looked like he just didn't want to get off the other party.

"Forget it, I'll let the hotel staff help me out okay ...... ID card to me, I'll carry Xiaolu." Lin Miao also had no choice, to

receptionist not far away waved and asked the other party to help come and take

three people's luggage.

"It's only mine, I don't know where I put my sister's. But isn't her ID ......," Eeya said as she rummaged through her bag to find her own body

She handed her cousin her ID card, suddenly thinking of the picture on a certain loli's ID card, which was a bit different from her current appearance.

"No need for hers then, she looks like a little kid now anyway, the hotel shouldn't ask." Lin Miao also thought of this asking

problem, but he didn't think it was a big problem.

After all, with this appearance of her own cousin now, deceptive xing is just too strong ...... Instead, if she takes out her ID card, she might even encounter

more trouble.

"Then these parts of her?" Eeya pointed to those inhuman parts of Erolu's body, "You can't just strut around and carry her into

there, right?"

"Don't worry, just say cospy props, no one will look that closely ...... Besides, isn't there this blanket? Just cover her up." Lin Miao reached out and wrapped a certain bed-ridden loli in a blanket and picked her up from Eeya's body.

Noticing the change, the little devil reached out and wrapped her arms around her cousin's neck and leaned her body up - dazed and confused, she finished

She didn't care who was cushioning her, as long as she could lean on it.

The receptionist had already helped the trio take their luggage in - the biggest suitcase, by the way, was instead

belonged to the smallest one.

After explaining the relationship between the three of them, Lin Miao carried the sleeping Elu and opened the luggage at the reception desk.

The room was opened.

The little silver-haired cutie wrapped in a blanket made the receptionist very curious, after all, no one doesn't like cute things!


Although there were some doubts, Lin Miao had already explained this when she booked the room before, so it was a precautionary measure.

There was nothing wrong with the way the three of them looked, and the slightly older girl next to her came forward with a piece of explanation. So after registering under

After registering the information, the receptionist just took a little note of the three people's room numbers and didn't pursue anything further ......

Anyway, I'm just a fish-loving demon. Season oneWhere stories live. Discover now