XLVIII. The devil king keeps a watchful eye (extra)

Start from the beginning

You don't want it after two months, do you?"

"No, I want to try this one this time too, you threw it away so fast last time, I didn't even get to try it a few times."

"Don't worry don't worry ......," Gui clapped his hands and interrupted a few people. "I'm not that wasteful, I've never seen in my life

ever seen such a good looking loli, I definitely want to have more fun ......"

"Tune up and give us some fun too, I'll buy whatever you want to eat later!"

"Yes, yes, yes ......"

"That depends on how much you give me? Okay, she's coming back, you guys go back first!" Gui reached out and slapped a few people, urging

He urged them to leave.

At that, the group hurriedly dispersed, and at the same time, in order not to let a certain Lori pay attention to them, several people directly left the book city, and before leaving, they did not forget to go along

Before they left, they even forgot to take away a few pork roulades.

"I'm back! Look, look, there it is, a body I particularly like!" The little devil who ran back with the atlas in his hand, a

sat down and began to introduce it excitedly.

"Well, it's really good, but I think this one ......" said Gui while looking beyond Erolu's line of sight, the corners of his mouth faintly curled up

had an arc ......

"Ah! I have to go back! It's already this time and I have to go back and cook ......" Not paying attention to the time, after seeing that it was already dark outside

The little demon king stood up with a slap on the table after seeing the darkening sky outside.

"Do you want a ride back? It's also so late in the day, or maybe I'll treat you to a meal?" Gui's face still had that formally xinxing slight

Although it wasn't so provocative, it wasn't offensive to look at.

"Dinner is not necessary ...... today already drank your milk tea and rubbed your pig roux breast." His Highness the Devil scratched his face, there

some embarrassment, even for her, it was too shameless to go on with such white whoring.

"Then let me take you back, didn't you say the East End was chaotic? I'm not sure if you're alone ...... pig roux dried words, the rest you take

Go back." Gui stood up and also had the decency to pull away the chair behind Elu to make it easier for her to get out from inside.

"Thanks!" The little devil clutched the bag of pork roux breasts and

A bit of cheapness she was still good enough to take advantage of.

"I'll return the book first, you wait for me for a while oh ......"


After remembering the number of pages she saw, Her Highness the Demon King jiāoed a few books in her hands to the staff at the book return desk - she had forgotten about this

She had forgotten which shelf they were on.

"Let's go, let's go! Let's continue what we were talking about! But are you okay to stay out so late? Didn't you say you were here with a friend?" Looking for

When he found Katsura, who was still waiting for him in the reading area, Eroku became a bit curious.

"They're at the hotel, we're playing separately ...... I'll give you a ride home, and we can talk on the way."

"Ooooh! Good! I'm telling you, melee body ah ......" The two walked out of the bookstore together, and on the way back, were talking about a certain

Lori was keen on the topic of mechs.

In fact, Agui was only half-educated in this area, and was only conforming to a certain loli with a half-understanding. After all, his aim was only to

It's easy to get too deep into the discussion. ......

"Well, my house is just up there ...... you hurry back and remember not to take the alleyways! The alleys in the East Side are known as Little Gotham, no

be righteous people please don't set foot." Coming under the apartment building, the little devil urged up the other side to hurry up and leave.

After all, if this person had an accident because of the late delay, he or she would have a bad conscience ...... After all, punks collect protection money

The actual fact is that you can't be a man or a woman.

"Well, I'm off then ......" Agui examined the flat in front of him and pretended to be careless, 'casually' asking a question:

"There are quite a few floors, what floor is your house on?"

"The topmost floor, you should go back quickly ...... it's too late to have an accident." Although His Highness the Devil King has a big heart, but still left a heart to report a

fake floor.

Kidding, you are not Yu Xi and their ...... district a just met today, but also just chatting high some, who am I to tell

you what floor my family lives on?

"Okay, then I'll go ......" After turning around and leaving some distance away, Gui looked back every now and then, after making sure the other party had entered which

entrance to the floor, the corners of his mouth lifted in an arc.

What a stupid girl with a big heart ...... Licking his lips, someone showed his true colors - he couldn't wait to

to take control of his opponent and taste this superb loli ......

Anyway, I'm just a fish-loving demon. Season oneWhere stories live. Discover now