A few minutes have passed, Little has lost track of time when suddenly a person tabs his shoulder. He turns around, his hazel eyes meeting dark ones.

„Good evening, Little." The black haired male says, flashing a charming smile at the younger.
Little blinks a few times before finally getting out of his trance.

„And did you enjoy it?" He asks before sitting down next to Little on the empty seat.

Little nods, his eyes lost in Hoseok's, „Yes it was amazing. Seriously you are so talented."

Hoseok smiles proudly and nods slowly, „I'm glad you liked it."

That's also something Little admires about Hoseok, his self-confidence, knowing that he is doing his job amazingly, that he is talented, that he is worthy.

„Can I get you a drink?" Hoseok asks him, making Little raise a brow.

„Oh- no I'm fine, thank you." He answers, not wanting Hoseok to spend the money he just earned.

„Do you want to stay.. or should I bring you home?" Hoseok keeps looking into Little's eyes, not even thinking about looking away and not being aware of the effect it has on the younger.

„We- we can stay here if you want or leave..?" Little responds, himself unsure if he really wants to stay here. Both of them look around, the mood is okay, the people are way older and boring. It didn't see like so much fun to stay there.

They look back to each other, like reading each other's mind they stand up from their chairs, „Let's go."

With that they leave the bar, heading to Hoseok's red car. It's still warm outside, the night sky is clear and full of stars.
They got inside of the car and Hoseok started the engine, both of them quiet, the calm night spoke for itself.

The older starts driving, slow and not as fast as usually, he turns the radio on, calm songs playing through it.

„The stars are so pretty today." Little says quietly but Hoseok could hear him quite well.

„You are right, they are." Hoseok responds while smiling softly. They drive around for a while before Hoseok decides to change the destination and drive somewhere else than Taehyung's house. Little is too busy watching the sky through his window, to notice that Hoseok changed the direction. Soon as he spots the sign that they are now leaving the city, he frowns and looks to his left.

„Where are we going?" He asks confused.

„Not far away trust me." The dancer answers, before he turns to the left to an empty parking lot, right after leaving the town.

He parks the car, making Taehyung frown even more, somehow he starts feeling nervous.

„Wait- wait." Hoseok says before he presses a button, a rather loud sound catches Taehyung's attention as he looks up and sees the top of the car moving to the back, revealing the beautiful night sky above them.

„Oh wow-" Little says, amazed by Hoseok's idea.

„It's pretty, isn't it?"

Taehyung nods without moving his eyes from the moon and the stars. Hoseok moves his seat to the back, making it into a lying position so he could watch the sky better, before helping Taehyung with his own seat.

They lie down, their faces pointing to the pretty sky full of brightly glowing stars. It's a little bit colder at the parking lot because there are no buildings around it to keep the warmth of the day.

Hoseok turns around and grabs a black jacket from the back seats before putting it on Taehyung who hasn't brought a jacket with him.

„Oh- thanks." Taehyung says flustered by the gentleman like gesture of the other. A good smell of Hoseok's perfume tickles his nose, making him feel comfortable due to the warmth and scent. He hugs himself underneath the black leather jacket, he now remembers getting from Hoseok already once before, while watching the calm sky, next to the dancer. They stay quiet for a long while, Taehyung has lost track on time, enjoying the small breeze, the good scent, and wonderful night sky.

Hungry eyes » vhope [FF]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora