Chapter 13: Don't fucking touch him.

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3rd Person:

Camilo woke up, resting against Y/N's chest, they hadn't even made it onto the bed, Y/N was leaning against it as Camilo was resting on his chest. Camilo looked up at Y/N's face, seeing him sleep so peacefully, it made his heart swell, completely forgetting about what happened last night and just cuddling up to him, wanting this moment to last forever. Camilo kissed Y/N's neck every so often till he woke up on his own.

After maybe 15 minutes Y/N finally began to stir, whinning softly as he felt the pain in his neck from the position he slept in all night, he sat up more slightly and moved his hand to the back of his neck, slightly rubbing it and then noticing the weight on top of him for the fourth night in a row, looking down and seeing Camilo smiling up at him sweetly.

"Goodmorning sunshine~ Did you sleep well?"

"Mng- kinda.. This definitely wasn't a good place to sleep- I'll have to ask Julieta for something to make this crick in my neck-.. How did you sleep mi amor?"

Camilo smiled at the name, feeling butterflies in his stomach each time Y/N called him that. He sat up, helping Y/N sit up properly and just sitting in front of him.

"I slept well with you beside me~"

"Correction- You were on top of me, which has been happening every night.. I guess you could say you like being on top, hmm~?"

Y/N teased slightly and Camilo blushed a tinsy bit but laughed.

"Yeah, I guess so~ But we should get ready for breakfast, I could hear people outside a few minutes ago so I guess everyone is waking up now"

Y/N nodded and got up, along with Camilo and they both went to the closet to pick out their own things. Luckily Camilo kept all his old clothes so Y/N had something to change into for the time being before his own clothes were finished by the taylor in town. After they both finished getting ready they went to the bathroom to brush their hair and teeth and do anything else they needed to do. Camilo was silent for the most part then decided to tell Y/N what was on his mind. Of course Y/N already noticed something as up but wanted Camilo to say it on his own terms.

"Uhm, Y/N?.. I've been thinking.. I want to come out to my parents today.. Before Abuela makes you stay with Mirabel in the nursery.."

Y/N sighed, his mood dropping a bit. After Camilo calmed down last night and stopped crying he told Y/N what Abuela and Mariano had told him. Y/N soon began to develop a small hatred towards Mariano, tinking it was a bit selfish and uncalled for he was putting all the blame on Camilo for something that wasn't even that big of a problem.

"Well.. If you want, I can be next to you while it happens? So that you aren't alone.. I understand how scary it can be.. I can be there for moral support if you need it.."

"Mmm.. Thank you.. But this is something I want to be able to do alone.. Besides.. I think it's best if I tell my parents about us and you go tell Tia Julieta and Tio Agustin.. They'll definitely have a nice reaction as Luisa is Bicurious.. We should also tell Luisa, she'll be the most accepting. Since Antonio, Dolores, Mirabel, and Isabella already know about us there's no need in having to tell them.. The only real problem we may have is with Abuela and Mariano.. "

Y/N listened closely, wanting to go along with whatever Camilo wanted so that he could come out to his family how he wanted. Y/N hugged him gently and smiled up at him, giving his own sweet smile.

"Of course mi amor, whatever you wish, I'll be with you every step of the way!"

Camilo smiled, hugging Y/N back and gently kissing his neck.

Camilo Madrigal X Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now