Chapter 3: Strange Family?

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Sorry for not posting yesterday- I had to go to the E.R. for something that's been hurting me for a while now and it ended up getting so tiring I came home and crashed. But I'm back!! And here to give you all 2 stories today to make up for yesterday, I'll hopefully be posting a chapter everyday if no one has caught the drift yet. Anyway, ON TO THE STORY~!

3rd Person:

   Camilo dragged Y/N through some trees, going past a smaller creak and jumping over some fallen trees, he soon lead the other boy to a large oak tree, with small knots on the trunk and low branches to help them get to a small clear space in the center of the tree. Camilo went straight to it and began climbing, getting up quickly and then once he made it he turned around and looked down at the confused yet very interested Y/N.

"Well? You coming little fawn?"

   Y/N blushed brightly at the nickname, holding his hands close to his chest and taking a deep breath, placing his left foot on one of the knots and grabbing another, going up slowly till he could grab a branch and hoist himself up to where Camilo ended up. Y/N looked around and smiled, it looked nice, perfect place for naps too, and it was high enough as well to where no one would see him if they were to look this way. Camilo smirked, leaning against a branch and crossing his arms as he watched Y/N continue to look around, full of wonder.

"Like it huh? It's kinda like my little hideout.. Although me, Dolores, Mirabel, Antonio, and Luisa know about it... We're thinking of telling Isabela since she won't tell anyone else about this place, it's basically where we all used to hide from the adults, especially Abuela.."

"How did you find this place?? And hide from Abuela? I can understand parents but your Abuela? If you don't mind me asking..."

   Camilo smiled, knowing he'd have to explain what hapened years ago that made them all anxious around their Abuela.

"She's gotten better, and nicer, but she used to be kinda mean, if we weren't how she wanted us to be things got bad, and we had to take care of the town, give the towns people a break, since I can change I did a lot of work, like babysitting, filling in for people, and even preforming for entertainment, although I did enjoy making everyone laugh, and stil do. It was just tiring.."

"And I wanted to be myself but never could, Isabela was expected to be perfect, Luisa was supposed to be the 'strongest', and not just physically, Dolores was supposed to keep her mouth shut, since she heard everything, Abuela wanted her to tell her everything that went on and possible problems that could've been hapening. Antonio didn't get a lot of the bad stuff, but it was obvious once he got his gift he immediately wanted to be on ABuela's good side. And Mirabel, jeez, don't get me started.... She got the worst of Abuela, since she didn't have a gift, no one knows why, it just happened, but who knows-"

   Camilo then noticed Y/N's confusion, realizing he may not even know about the gifts yet and laughing to himself.

"Pff- Shit- Sorry! Hahah! I guess I forgot to mention the most important part! The madrigals, we all have gifts, My mom, her mood controls the weather, sometimes it can be good or bad, depending on what she's feeling. My tia, her sister Julieta, can heal anyone with her meals, that's how you were healed up so fast earlier! My tio Bruno, he can see the future, it's really cool hopw he does it too! I should show you! Maybe get a small fortune from you or something~ Hehe- Aaaaaand now the kids, My sister, Dolores, she can hear anything, and I mean anything, this conversation even, her room is soundproof so she can sleep though, that, I can explain to you later, my little brother Antonio, he can talk to animals, his room his basically a jungle with a bunch of animals, since they all basically live with him."

"Luisa has strength, she can pick up anything, the table, the donkey's, the church, hel, she could pick up these mountains, it's incredible, Her sister Isabela can control plant life, mainly flowers but she can control so many other plants now, as well as trees and she's gotten more active too, wanting to be in nature all the time. Mirabel, she doesn't have a gift, but she helps out a lot and built our house when the magic went out, that's what that candle in the window is for, the window above Abuela's room, that's basically what she takes care of mostly, as well as instructing the family."

"Me... I can shapeshift into anyone, of course I have to see them first but I can shift into anyone in town, as well as the family members, even you, like you saw earlier~ And the last three family members are my uncle Augustin, My father Felix, and my brother in law, Dolores' husband, Mariano"

   Y/N listend intently to everything Camilo was saying, they both slowly sat down as Camilo started to get comfortable, he smiled while Camilo talked, thinking how peaceful and nice Camilo's voice sounded, giggling a bit when he flirted, nodding when he told him about the fortune from Camilo's uncle. Y/N played with his fingers sliughtly, thinking about how all these 'gifts' were incredible, all of them had something special and Y/N immediately put together that MIrabel would probably be next in line to look after the candle when Abuela couldn't anymore. After Camilo finsihed Y/N smiled and spoke up, now feeling more comfortable with Camilo and now wanting to get closer to him.

"Wow Camilo... That's really cool! Your family is really extraordinary.. But it seems you all do enjoy helping people, which is the best thing of all, and it also seems like you're all closer as a family, that's the most important thing, having a good home, family, and support system.. Do you mind telling me more? You're voice is really nice to listen to~"

   Y/N suddenly began to flirt back, causing Camilo to be tacken aback, surprised by Y/N's efforts, and coughing, looking away as a blush appeared on his face. He began talking about the town, everyone in it, things that happened, stories of him growing up and funny stories of his cousins and siblings. Y/N of course gave Camilo his ful attention, which Camilo appreciated, never being able to talk to someone like this except for Mirabel, who was just getting more and more busy over the years, so Camilo was slowly loosing his best friend, which he did seem sad about while he was mentioning it. Y/N moved closer to Camilo, placing a hand on his knee to show he was there. Camilo glanced up at Y/N, seeing his soft caring face and blushing brigghtly once more, now more noticeably.

"Wait... Are you blushing~? Oh my goodness, you are~!"

   Y/N then began to take pride in being able to make Camilo brush, even more brightly than he had done himself earlier. Camilo scoffed and grabbed Y/N's wrists.

"Yeah yeah, don't get too ahead of yourself. This is a rare thing and I hardly do it for anyone"

"Oh so you think you can control it~?"

"Tch, I know I can~ I only blush when I'm caught off gaurd~ you however, blush at a simple compliment~ My little fawn~.."

   Camilo whispered the name in Y/N's ear, chuckling and then giving a surprised gasp and yelp when he was suddenly pushed down. Y/N now hovering over him with his hands pushing down against Camilo's wrists, his legs keeping Camilo's shins down so he couldn't kick.

"You really think I'm that easy~? You're just new is all~ And I'm nervous around new people, but I know you a little more now so it's time you begin to learn some more about me, My little Puppy~"

  Camilo was instantly flustered, looking away and feeling the embarassment seep in as he closed his eyes, his lips tremdling as he tried sinking away, he suddenly turned into one of the towns children and quickly slithered out of Y/N's grip, scooting away to hide his bright red tomato face, trying to cool himself off as Y/N just smirked, and sat down again, watching Camilo with a look of victory on his face.

"I win~"

The End

Camilo Madrigal X Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now