Chapter 50: Little Happy Dance

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Athena's pov

I sit with Mia in the car stuck in traffic. I have no idea as to why she wanted to go all the way across Sicily but now we're stuck and it doesn't look like we're getting out at any time. "Ena when you were having Luciano how did you feel?" She asks, playing with her fingers. "I had a feeling then when it was confirmed I was happy but scared" I tell her while drinking the rest of my soda. I hope I don't have to pee.

"When you told Lucky, do you think it made your relationship stronger?" It helped it in many ways but it was already super glued together. "It just added to the good" I don't think I could have kept it from Lucky any longer than I had. It made me feel so bad not telling him but the wait was worth it.

Now he wants another one. I'm not opposed but it takes a toll on my body. The mood swings, weight gain and so much more. I'd do it again in a heartbeat if it meant healthy kids and a happy husband. "Athena, I'm pregnant" Mia quickly says. My jaw drops and I just stare at her tears falling down.

She lifts up her shirt showing the small bump. "Oh my god Mia this is amazing" I hug her tightly she cries into my shirt telling me otherwise. "You haven't told him. Believe me when I say he's going to be more than happy" I wipe her face smiling at her.

"Is this why we're driving half way across sicily?" She nods, putting her back in a bun. "I haven't told anyone besides you yet. I had an ultrasound today and I wanted to make sure I got through the first trimester" The traffic finally starts to move going quicker.

Pulling up to a big hospital Mia sucks in a deep breath before stepping out of the car. "Don't worry you're not alone you've got this" We walk into the maternity section checking in. If it's just an ultrasound it shouldn't take that long. "Mia De Luca?" The nurse calls out leading us to the back.

Mia sits on the examination chair and I take the seat next to her. "Alright Mia you know the drill. You are 4 months today Next month you can find out the gender through ultrasound or we could tell you right now through blood work." She comes in looking at Mia's charts putting the gel on her stomach.

The light switches off and the screen turns on. The remote gets moved across her stomach looking for the baby. "There is your healthy baby" The baby's heartbeat fills up the room and a smile spreads across our faces. She is finally going to have her kids. Gabriele will have a brother or sister. Adriano will have another son or a daughter. "Can I get a few extra pictures of this ultrasound?" Mia asks the doctor nods a yes, printing them out leaving the room.

I help her wipe off the gel knowing how uncomfortable it can be. "I think i'm more scared to tell Lucky than anything" She admits looking down at her feet. "Why Lucky?" I would think she would be more scared to tell Adriano or Leo after what she told me.

"Adriano is my husband and he wants another kid. I'm scared but not as much. Leo has his suspensions but I never told him I actually am. I remember when we were younger he said he wouldn't be mad as long as he was the main godfather and it was Adri's baby. Lucky is a whole different story since we were babies he was always the overprotective one. When we were 9 I told him I thought this boy was cute. He went to school and threatened him. Lucky for me is Alessandro for you" There it is Lucky was her brother/father/ and best friend in one.

I was scared when Alessandro found out I was pregnant. I thought he would be disappointed. Knowing Lucky he wont be mad at her or disappointed only happy. If he's anything other than that he'll get what's coming for him. "When do you want to tell them?" We start the drive back home hopefully there's not a lot of traffic this time around.

"I was going to wait till Friday when everyone is here for dinner but Lucky and Adrinao are already there, Leo, Emma, Enzo and Bianca said they were coming later so I'll knock it out tonight. Get the hard part over with first" She holds her ultrasound rubbing her thumb over it.

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