Chapter Fifteen

Comincia dall'inizio

Just yesterday Kai was telling Roan how they had a massive fight in front of him over too much salt in the food. Food that they had ordered for dinner.

"Come on, stop sulking now," Kai said as the two were walking, "We're here now. Might as well enjoy, y'know?"

"I hope you know if you ever get arrested then I'm not bailing you out." Roan mumbled.

"Where did that come from?" Kai chuckled, making Roan huff, "Also you wouldn't be able to bail me out because you'd most likely be in the cell next to me."

"You're a bad influence, Nahar." Roan said.

"Then stop being so impressionable, MacElroy." Kai retorted.

"We're going to be playing Rainbow Six for a month now." Roan stated.

"I hate that game." Kai groaned.

"Exactly." Roan shrugged.

"Okay, okay, whatever you say, Ro," Kai shook his head, "You won't hate me as much when I help you get laid tonight."

"Help me get laid?" Roan raised a brow at his best friend as the two arrived at the beach.

"Yep. Totally gonna wingman the shit out of you tonight."

"Why are we even at the beach in the evening?" Roan asked.

"To chill here for a bit before having dinner at this shack on the beach Marco told me about. Has great crispy prawns. We can come back to the beach tomorrow morning to get that sun," Kai looked at his side to glance at the blonde, "Your pale ass really needs it."

"Shut up." Roan muttered.

The two sat down on the sheet that Roan insisted on carrying, stating that he didn't want sand getting stuck in his ass crack. The best friends looked out at the ocean in silence for a while, before Kai broke the silence about asking questions about Roan's love slash sex life.

Roan really wasn't in the mood to talk about that. Kai had been giving him mixed signals ever since the night of the party when Kai wanted to kiss him, even though it was for a game. And maybe it was a game in the beginning, but feelings were involved now and Roan didn't know how to deal with them.

The lines between their relationship was so blurred now, that Roan couldn't help but feel clueless. Kai was constantly hot and cold. One minute he'd be wreathing in pleasure underneath Roan, begging the blonde to touch him, and the next minute he'd talk about how he was straight and they're just friends.

Best friends.

Kai would also keep asking Roan about his dating life. He'd be excited to hear about it at first, even badger Roan to open up. But as soon as Roan would show the slighest interest in anyone— Kai would start acting like a jealous boyfriend.

Roan wanted to confront him. He liked keepings things simple. But whenever he would try, Kai would deflect the topic one way or the other. Usually he would bring up his parents, and then Roan would have no choice but to drop the matter.

"I'm gonna go get us some beers." Kai said as the two got up.

"We're not twenty one and we don't have fake IDs." Roan replied. The two were walking to the bar they heard some people talking about.

"I'll just charm them then." Kai shrugged like it was no big deal.

"Right," Roan scoffed, and Kai looked at him with a fake offended look, "Leave the drinks to me."

"I knew you'd come around." Kai smirked.

"Shut up. You're still paying." Roan muttered.

Roan then told Kai to get them a table. The place was crowded so Roan doubted the brunette would be able to do that. Roan took out his phone as he walked towards the bar counter. He hesitated for a second, but he opened his inbox and typed out a message.

To : Mom | From : Roan

im not at khaled's. kai and I drove down to the beach. be back tomorrow evening.

To : Roan | From : Mom

Are you safe? Do you have enough money?

To : Mom | From : Roan

yes and yes.

To : Roan | From : Mom

Okay. Stay safe. We'll talk tomorrow once you're back. Take care of Kai.

Roan sighed. He knew Kai sometimes got out of control if drunk. Nothing too extreme, but he was a bit to handle. He was uncomfortable by the idea of no one knowing where they were just in case of an emergency. So he knew that texting his mom, Lucia, would be the right move. Betty would get ballistic and drive down despite it being night and get the boys, but Lucia would be calmer about the ordeal.

After texting his mom back and wishing her goodnight, he kept his phone back in his pocket and put his game face on as the bartender walked to him.

"Hey," Roan smiled at the twenty something year old bartender, "Two beers, please."

"ID?" She asked as she looked Roan up and down. Not to check him out, but because she was clearly suspicious about his age.

"Left it in my hotel room." Roan replied.

"Convenient." She chuckled.

"Come on, can't you make an exception for once?" Roan asked as he leaned forward, giving her another sly smile.

"Boy, you have no idea how many freshmen college boys try to flirt drinks out from me," She said as she rolled her eyes, "Tell me if you'd like something non alcoholic or keep moving, pretty boy."

"Oh," Roan straightened his back, he had to change his tactic now, "I wasn't flirting with you, I mean, no offense but I'm here with my boyfriend. Well, not boyfriend yet but I'm working on it."

"Oh." The bartender replied, suddenly not looking at Roan with as much contempt.

"It's fine," Roan pressed his lips in a thin line, "I'll just have two cokes then."

"Okay," She replied as she turned around, she returned after a few seconds with two beer bottles in her hand, "If anyone asks, I ID'ed you, 'kay?"

"Has anyone ever told you that you're an angel?" Roan said.

"No, but," The bartender paused for a minute to write down something on her notepad before tearing the page and handing it to Roan, "You can tell that to my brother Oliver if things don't work out with your crush."

"Will do." Roan smirked as he pocketed the piece of paper.


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