Chapter Eleven ~ Officially Infamous:

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When Reine woke up, she still felt weak. She lay on a bed and had a gown on. She winced at the bright light overhead, as she opened her eyes slowly. Once they adjusted to the white light, she saw her girlfriend hovering over her with a smile.

The young leader looked up at her and grunted, as she spoke irritatedly, "Why are you so cheerful - go away?"

Deytria giggled and replied, "Because we got a total victory in our first match, and my girlfriend is amazing in just about every way."

She grunted again, before she rolled away from her. A long moment passed, before she looked back at her girlfriend over her shoulder. She inquired curiously.

"Total victory?"

Deytria was emotionally charged, as she nodded her reply. Her crew all beamed at her with smiles. She grunted and turned away from them again, before she continued to inquire.

"What was the final score?"

"Thirty-three to one, Captain my Captain."

Alex answered respectfully. Reine made a 'huh' sound in surprise, but she did not turn back over. Instead, she tiredly replied.

"Good work, now I'm going back to sleep. All of you go home!"

"Aye, Aye."

She heard them reply, as she started to drift back into sleep. She could hear them all leaving, but she felt Deytria climb into bed and cuddle up to her backside. She did not fuss though, the warmth of the affectionate embrace felt more welcome than she had first imagined it to be.

Soon, she had comfortably drifted off to sleep. When she woke up again, she was still in immense pain. She struggled to move, as she realized she was pinned in place by her girlfriend's arm. Grunting loudly, she started to wiggle profusely.

Her girlfriend snuggled in closer and whined in her sleep, "Five more minutes, dad..."

The miniature assassin's arm was like a vice grip around her stomach, and the heat between their bodies was becoming unbearable to her. Reine reached down and grabbed her wrist, as she unwrapped herself. She responded firmly with a bit of attitude.

"I'm not your dad... let me up, Dey."

"Fine, but I'm still not waking up..."

She pulled the sheets down and swung her legs over the side of the bed. She felt a sharp pain in her lower back, before she tried to straighten herself out and yelped in pain. She gritted her teeth and slid off the bed onto her feet.

The young Xavior was partially slumped over and held the small of her back with one hand, as she surveyed the hospitable room. She blinked a moment in disbelief, before she forced herself to stand straight. She made her way to the door.

When she opened the door, she looked both ways down the long, brightly lit hallway. She saw her father sleeping in a chair beside her door and decided not to bother him - even though she was surprised to see him. She noticed the nurse and started to panic, as the woman was walking down the hall at a brisk pace towards her; dressed in a pale blue outfit.

She firmly refused to run from the nurse due to the immense pain in her lower back. The nurse pulled a device out from her apron and gave her a look of endearment, as she approached. The nurse looked down at the little girl expectantly and accused her.

"You thought about running, didn't you?"

Her face must have given her away, because the nurse only shook her head. The woman started to scan the little girl with the device. Reine slowly batted at the device, as she objected.

A Prologue Part Two ~ Growing Up(sample)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang