Chapter Sixteen ~ Testing Boundaries Part I:

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The young crew rode the elevator down to the arena and everyone was silent, attempting to get 'in the zone'; Reine's mind would not stop racing. Things were different now - for the young leader that meant she was harder and less naive. Alex and Acovis were both more careful around her and a little distant; it did not affect their loyalty nor performance - so, she ignored it. Deytria was stuck to her side, which was not a bad thing.

Everyone was worried about today's challenge due to the injuries two of the crew had accumulated, while she thought, 'this match might be the hardest one we face.' The match objective was announced the night before and it was 'assassinate the leader'. She stepped out onto the field followed by her crew, as the elevator doors opened.

Looking around the stadium, she noticed a large crowd was in attendance. She was not affected by it like she thought she might be. It actually pumped her up, 'I will win today and everyone will witness it!'

The arena started to transform, a dense forest was raised to the surface. This arena, also familiar, had a forest setting with a crater in the center. It was rough terrain - the forest would be full of hills and rocks. The crater was large and provided no cover, while six satellite stations were located strategically across the map.

The buzzer sounded, as the gates on both sides opened. There would only be one round unless they tied the score. She jerked her head side-to-side and jumped on her toes three times, before she started forward at a jog. She broke left and started up the hill, as she entered the forest.

At the top of the hill was one of the stations scattered across the arena. She was deep in thought, as she leaped up onto a rock and continued forward, 'Intelligence is key to winning assassinate the leader - knowing my enemies' location will be vital, so Acovis is VIP as usual.' She needed to make sure he could do his job and that was easier said than done on this map.

The terrain simulated an area where technology was not as effective. Communication devices, satellites, and even heat-vision goggles were less effective. She needed to get to the station in order for her specialist to do his thing - the only places on the map where connection to a satellite could be maintained.

She could hear the footsteps of her teammates following close behind, as she started to crest the large hill. She ran to the door of the building and opened it for her team to pass inside. Once they were inside, she looked to her specialist and spoke, gesturing to the computer systems inside the station.

"Let's get the ball rolling, Acovis!"


He went to the computer and started to set up his gear. He connected himself to the system for remote control from his personal devices. Reine looked to Alex and continued to give orders.

"Alex, I want you on the roof."

Her sniper did not hesitate, making for the stairwell on the other side of the room. She went to a table in the center of the room, where a large map of the small arena was. She studied it for a moment and motioned Deytria to come closer.

She pointed at their location on the map, before starting to speak, "Dey, they are not at this station - our current location. So they must be at one of the other five stations."

She pointed to each station on the map, as she spoke with her girlfriend. Deytria paid close attention to her. She pointed to the two stations closest to the enemy gate, as she continued to speak hesitantly - due to the fact she was unsure of what she was saying.

"I believe they would use one of these. After watching their previous matches, I've gathered that the leader usually keeps his team close together during matches of this type."

A Prologue Part Two ~ Growing Up(sample)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن