"What a pity."

"I'm so sorry~" I said then smiled.

"That felt good, but at the same time, I feel guilty for saying those. Sorry, Reiner. Bertholdt."

"You've gotta be fucking kidding me. After all this, you're trying to play the victim? What exactly are you getting at?" Eren spoke up and my smile was replaced with a frown.

"Way back then, why the hell did you let me confide in you?" Eren said.

"Tell me, Bertholdt. I'm talking to you, you damn lackey. I told you two about everything that happened to me. About when I watched my mother get eaten alive, how (Y/n) was bleeding so badly back then." Eren said.

My eyes widened when he also included me.

"Isn't that right? Since a piece of rubble from the gate you kicked flew straight into my house, my mother couldn't get away from the Titans. You remember, right? I told you my story." Eren said.

Bertholdt glanced at Eren with a frown in his face.

"What were you thinking? What were you thinking back then?" Eren asked.

"Back then... I felt sorry for you." Bertholdt said as he looked away.

"Oh... I see..." Eren said, his eyes were wide and I placed my arm on his shoulder with a frown.

"Eren..." I muttered.

"You guys... You're... neither soldiers nor warriors. You're just murderers. You're mass murderers who killed countless innocent people in cold blood!" Eren said.

"You think I don't know that!? I don't need you to point it out to me!" Reiner snapped again.

"Then stop pretending like you're one of us! You can't even call yourselves humans anymore! You're responsible for turning the world into a living hell!" Eren snapped as well.

"Do you understand that, you murderers!?" Eren yelled.

"What's the point of slinging insults now?! Do you want us to regret it? Do you want us to apologize!? Would that make you feel better?" Reiner yelled.

"The people you thought we were don't exist! If you think screaming at us is gonna help anything, then go ahead and scream your damn head off!" Reiner yelled, making Eren shut up.

I blankly looked at them and leaned my back on the branch.

"I'm slowly getting tired of all of this. I'm sleepy as fuck..."

"That's right... I'm still... too naïve. I just... have to keep fighting. I'm going to keep fighting to make sure you guys suffer the worst death imaginable. That's a promise." Eren said.

The image of the rumbling popped in my head and I frowned.

"When that time comes, I don't think I can stop Eren from starting the rumbling..."

"You can't be serious." Ymir said with a frown.

"Huh?" Eren grumbled and glanced at her.

"Gimme a break, Eren. You'll never get anywhere if you keep sprouting childish crap like that." Ymir said and glanced at him.

"What!?" Eren growled with an annoyed expression.

They both glared at each other for a moment before Ymir looked away and looked at Reiner.

"Hey, Reiner. What's the deal with that monkey?" Ymir said, making Reiner's eyes slightly widened.

I blinked and raised a brow, and listened closely to their conversation.

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