Chapter 59.

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They had stayed for another two hours talking and laughing with everyone before Nikolai looked at his watch and stood.

"Okay guys, that's enough for today"

"Nik no"
Nadia whined and Riley's eyes widened before he turned to look at his daddy expectantly.

When Nikolai didn't say anything, the younger pouted.

Had he whined like that his bum would be red in an instant.

He watched as the older gave him a stern gaze for his pouting, but it quickly morphed into indifference as he remembered they were trying vanilla.

Old habits died hard.

"I'm sorry Nadia, but I have a date today"

"Oh? Oh..."
She smirked before translating to the rest of the family who all smirked and cheered in response.

Yia yia got to her feet and made her way over to Riley before pulling him into one of the comfiest hugs he had ever experienced and for a moment, he forgot he was going commando.

After pulling away she looked at her grandson and said something Riley didn't understand, but the smile on her face was enough for him to smile as well.

Nikolai responded then reached for the little and pulled him into his side.

"We'll be going now, yia yia can't wait to see you again"

"I'll be back before we leave"
Riley assured them.

Nik translated his promise then they were hugging people while heading out, he shouted a special goodbye to Nadia. Once they settled in the car Riley smiled, and glanced over at the older.

"Your family is great"

"If you say so"
Nikolai sighed and the younger couldn't help the laugh that slipped past his lips.

"They all love you by the way"

"Really?" Riley's eyes widened, being accepted by Nikolai's family was something that Riley really needed.

"Yeah, yia yia told me that she wished you were her grandson and not me"

"That's what she said? I saw her smiling and thought she said something nice" he gasped, remembering the sweet look on the old lady's face.

"Well now you know, I told you, you had nothing to worry about"

Nodding he glanced out the window.

"Where are we going?"


"More surprises?"
Riley grinned.


He was buzzing with excitement all the way to the docks and when he saw the huge yacht his mouth fell open in shock.

"Is-is that yours?"

Nikolai smiled

The little flew out of the car as soon as it came to a stop, there weren't any other boats or ships at the dock which Riley found a little odd but he didn't ponder it for too long as he was too focused on the huge object floating atop the water.

He and his family had never been to the sea, not for swimming, fishing, boat rides, nothing.

There was no special reason why, it just never happened.

Now he was so excited, he was practically buzzing where he stood. He felt like he would ascend at any moment, today had been a great day and now he was going on a yacht!

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