Chapter 53.

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Guys you made me cry... I love you😭

He trodded up the steps gracefully, being mindful of the small body in his arms, though the dress did add a few extra layers, it was still light.

Nikolai finally made it to the top and took the turn to get to his room.

Doing a quick manuever her opened the door before taking the little one inside closing it with his foot afterwards.

"Riley, baby"

The younger moaned.

"Baby wake up"


"You need to take a shower, otherwise you will be sleeping in your own room tonight"

Riley looked up whilst rubbing his eyes sleepily.

"Dada tiwed"

"I know baby, I know"
Nikolai cooed at the little who was so tired that he slippes into his headspace.

"No baf pwease"

"You're wearing make up and extensions it will be incredibly uncomfortable if you sleep like this"


He was surprised to hear the small sniffles coming from the blonde, but recovered quickly knowing Riley would thank him for this in the morning.

"Oh my sweet, sweet little boy, can you be brave for daddy?"

"Nuh uh Wiley wan sweep"

"Okay, but if you don't take a shower then you have to sleep in your own room"

"Dada sweep wif me?"

"No baby, I'll be sleeping here in my room"

"Nuu sweep w-wif Wiley pw-pwease"

"Only if you take a bath"

Taking a moment to contemplate, the little finally gave in.

"Good boy"

Blushing Riley stuffed his face into his daddy's neck.

The older led them to the bathroom before placing the boy unto his feet. As he stepped away to turn on the shower head he felt small hands grasping the hem of his jacket.

Riley was feeling very clingy and didn't want his daddy to be even a few centimeters away from him.

Wanting to reassure the younger Nikolai wrapped an arm around his shoulder and pulled him into his side. They both moved to get the shower ready, though the blonde didn't do anything except lean into the larger man's side it still made him incredibly happy.

After getting everything ready Nikolai turned to face his baby who had a small, content sigh on his face.

"Let's get you out of these clothes hmm?"


Riley spun away from Nikolai allowing him to undo the two small buttons holding the high neck of the dress together.

After that it was easy for him to slide the dress down the boys shoulders and off his petite body.

His breath caught in his throat at the sight of the boys revealing undergarment.

"σταμάτα το" (Stop it)

He mumbled to himself, stopping the inapproprate thoughts from plaguing his head. Especially since Riley was in his headspace.

The older kneeled unto the floor and took off the little's heels before quickly ridding him of his panties and stockings.

"Go on"

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