Chapter 36

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Riley held unto Nikolai's hand as the older guided him back to his own VIP spot.

From a distance the blonde could see that there were 4 men and a woman who were also seated there talking animatedly.

"Alfie, come along"

Nodding the red head got to his feet stumbling slightly and followed behind Nikolai.

The older wasn't upset as he was the one who asked Alfie to get Riley to the club, he knew how much the blonde was trying to get out of his shell and thought it would be a good idea.

However, it had to be his own club otherwise it was never going to happen.

As they got to their destination the dominant took a seat and pulled Riley unto his lap.

Alfi sat next to them, almost falling over as he had been drinking the entire night and was more wasted than he'd like to admit.

After giving the red head a once over Nikolai returned his gaze to his guests.

"Cirillo if you wanted one of the strippers we could have just called one over"

One of the men commented with a chuckle, a few joining in as well.

The entire atmosphere went cold and Riley could feel the hostility rushing off of Nikolai in waves.

"Daddy relax, he doesn't know"

Riley reached up to whisper into Nikolai's ear running a hand down his back soothingly, sensing the terrible mood his daddy had just been thrusted into.

"Then he should learn to keep his mouth shut"

"It's not worth it, just finish up you're meeting please, I want to go back to the hotel I haven't seen you all day"

He whined placing a light kiss against Nikolai's neck, before tucking his head under it and nuzzling against him.

His head was still a little fuzzy from the alcohol and he was being unnaturally bold, not that Nikolai minded.

Riley had been a ball of surprises all day and he was loving the growth in their relationship.

"Let's get back to work shall we?"

A few investors had pulled out of Nikolai's club, due to unspecified reasons and he was trying to replace them.

He had already concured that it was because of the rumours of his relationship with a certain male, though he had killed the story the day after it was released forcing every company that had made a statement to get rid of all their data.

The older was glad that they had weeded themselves out as he hated homophobic people almost as much as he hated liars.

However, when he created his club he had carefully selected a certain amount of investors based on his own calculations and he needed to replace them immediately.

Their were multiple people who wanted to do business with him, having lost their chance the last time, however he wasn't open to working with all of them.

The five who sat here were the ones he was considering, but after that joke he was considering waiting until tomorrow to select a different batch.

He didn't care how much money someone had, if they're character was rotten then he wanted nothing to do with them.

Riley sighed inhaling his daddy's scent and listening to the humming in his throat as the older spoke.

He hadn't seen his daddy all day and he missed him terribly, as much as Alfie was good company nothing could beat the presence of his daddy.

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