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Namjoon and Seokjin stumbled into the apartment, giggling against each other's lips as they messily kissed each other. Seokjin was tugging Namjoon closer by the younger male's shirt while Namjoon worked at pushing Seokjin's jacket off his shoulders. Once they had made it to the living room area of the apartment, Namjoon stumbled, managing to turn in the air so he would hit the floor instead of Seokjin, the slightly shorter male falling on top of him.

Seokjin giggled again, sitting up just enough to look down at Namjoon. "If you wanted to do it somewhere new, you could have just asked." The taller male laughed again as Seokjin reconnected their lips, finally getting the jacket off of his shoulders.

They continued to kiss until Seokjin reached down to undo the button on Namjoon's jeans, at which point the younger male pulled away slightly. "As sexy as it would be to fuck on the floor, this isn't the most comfortable place."

Seokjin giggled as Namjoon sat up. "Guess I'll bookmark that idea for when Daddy Joon decides to make a return."

"You bet~" Namjoon agreed, pressing his lips to Seokjin's briefly before nudging him off his lap so they could stand up. However, once they were both standing, Seokjin once again threw himself at Namjoon, the younger barely able to catch him before he knocked him to the floor again.

They stumbled over to the couch, neither of them feeling like they could make it to the bedroom and fell less then gracefully onto it. They burst into another fit of giggles as the readjusted themselves until Namjoon was on his back, head resting on a throw pillow, with Seokjin straddling him. They fumbled their way through pulling their clothes off before Seokjin reached out and opened one of the drawers in the coffee table, pulling out a small tube of lube. "You keep lube in the coffee table?" Namjoon asked.

"It was actually a wild guess." Seokjin said with a shrug, handing the lube to Namjoon who made quick work of squeezing some onto his fingers. "I was going off the assumption that Yoongi and Jimin had fucked on the couch before, and now I know that they for sure have-" Seokjin gasped as Namjoon pushed a finger inside of him. "Excuse you, I was talking." Seokjin playfully glared down at his boyfriend.

"Yeah, but my dick is hard." Namjoon responded.

Seokjin rolled his eyes slightly, but it was difficult with Namjoon fingering him, every movement feeling like pure heaven. "Wow, so romantic~"

"You love me, anyway." Namjoon chimed back, his dimples on full display as he smiled up at Seokjin.

The older male sighed. "Unfortunately~" He leaned down to press his lips to Namjoon's again, moaning as the younger male slipped a second finger inside of him.

Once Seokjin was thoroughly prepped, he didn't hesitate to slide down Namjoon's dick and begin riding him. Namjoon gripped onto his hips, thrusting his hips to meet Seokjin's movements. They were only a few thrusts in when Seokjin suddenly burst into a fit of giggles. "What is it?" Namjoon asked.

Seokjin shook his head, still laughing. "Nothing, I just started thinking about how your naked ass is where Yoongi's naked ass has been." He started laughing harder, leaning forward slightly, the only reason he hadn't fallen over being the fact that his hands were resting on Namjoon's chest and propping him up.

"Thank you for that imagery." Namjoon tried to sound disgusted but failed as he started laughing too.

When they finally calmed down, Seokjin leaned down and kissed Namjoon, moving his hips once more. After they both finished, he nuzzled into Namjoon's chest, falling asleep before Namjoon could even ask him to move so he could go get a washcloth to clean them up.


"Well, well, well~" Seokjin cracked open an eye at the disturbance, seeing Jimin staring at them with crossed arms, only one of Yoongi's t-shirts covering him. "Of all the things I expected to see when I got up this morning, this was definitely not it."

Seokjin glanced around to see that they were still on the couch. He felt his cheeks burn when he realized he and Namjoon were still naked, but his heartrate calmed down when he saw that they were at least covered with blanket. Namjoon's doing, he assumed. "It's my apartment." Seokjin mumbled, trying to play off his embarrassment as he hid his face in Namjoon's neck. "I can do what I want."

"I'll remember that next time you complain about me and Yoongi making out in the kitchen." Jimin winked playfully before skipping off to said kitchen to make coffee.

"Please tell me he didn't see my dick." Seokjin jumped at Namjoon's voice, not realizing his boyfriend had woke up.

Seokjin chuckled, pressing a good morning kiss to Namjoon's cheek. "I think you're good."

Namjoon mumbled something unintelligible, wrapping his arms tighter around Seokjin's waist as he nuzzled into his hair. Content and warm, Seokjin settled back into his previous position and closed his eyes to catch a couple more hours of sleep.

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