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Seokjin stifled a groan of annoyance as another giggle broke through his wall of concentration. It was a Thursday afternoon and he and Yoongi were in the library for a study session in preparation for their upcoming exams, except neither of them was getting very much studying done thanks to Jimin joining them. Seokjin had just refocused on his organic chemistry study guide when another giggle shattered his focus again. He looked up and shot a glare at the couple who were completely in their own bubble, leaning close enough that their foreheads were touching as they whispered to each other.

"Successful study session, huh?" Seokjin asked sarcastically, making the pair finally look at him.

"Oh, sorry, we didn't mean to bother you." Jimin said, still giggling away as he finally pulled away from Yoongi just enough to be able turn back to his modern world literature paper.

Seokjin made a disgruntled sound in response, watching as Jimin forced Yoongi to turn back to his music history report. "I'm gonna go get some tea, do you want me to get you anything?"

"Coffee~" Yoongi said without even sparing his roommate a glance.

Jimin gave Seokjin a smile. "No, thank you. I actually have to head to the testing lab in a few minutes for my algebra exam."

Seokjin wished the freshman good luck before heading to the café housed on the library's ground floor. Once he had his tea and Yoongi's coffee, he headed back to their table to see that Jimin had left but a familiar newcomer had set up shop at their table. "Oh, hi Namjoon~" Seokjin greeted, his cheeks slightly burning although he was nowhere near as flustered as he had been the first few times he had been in the presence of both Namjoon and Yoongi out of fear that Yoongi would tease them over their relationship.

"Hey, Seokjin. I hope you don't mind me intruding on your study space." Namjoon said with a smile as Seokjin sat back down in his seat. "I just really have to get this philosophy paper done, and I didn't feel like sitting at a table full of strangers."

Seokjin shook his head slightly. "That's fine, I hope your paper goes well." He gave the dimpled male a small smile before turning back to his notes.

The three worked in silence for a bit, with the exception of Yoongi's heavy breathing thanks to the slight cold Seokjin had noticed coming on the day before despite his roommate's insistence that he was fine, until Namjoon seemingly finished his paper, at which point the two composition majors began discussing a project for their shared composition course. Seokjin used the eloquence of Namjoon's speech and the smooth baritone of his voice to calm himself and focus on his studying.

Until he felt a pressure on his upper thigh.

He glanced down to see Namjoon's hand casually resting on his leg, not moving, just sitting there. Thinking nothing of it, and a small part of him greatly enjoying it, he turned back to his notes, ignoring the small stirring he felt in his gut. He didn't get much further in his studying when the hand suddenly moved, now resting directly on top of his clothed crotch. He subtly glanced over at Namjoon, but the younger male was paying no attention to him, still conversing with Yoongi as if he wasn't touching Seokjin's now semi hard penis.

He looked back at his notes in confusion before suddenly recalling a conversation he and Namjoon had that previous Monday after class.

"That teasing stuff is kind of interesting." Seokjin had commented on that morning's lecture as he and Namjoon made their way to the closest dining hall for a quick bite to eat before their next classes. "Like part of me thinks it would be fun, but another part of me just thinks it would be frustrating and annoying."

"And that's what makes it so much fun." Namjoon chimed in, opening the door to the dining hall and holding it open for the older male. "Unfortunately, you can't really gauge if you enjoy teasing or not when you plan it. If you're expecting it, you'll react differently than you would if it were spontaneous and unexpected."

Seokjin gave Namjoon a look as they both swiped their meal cards. "Does that mean I can expect you to surprise me with a teasing session at some point?"

Namjoon returned the look. "I don't know, are you giving me permission to?"

Seokjin shrugged slightly, giving Namjoon another look. "Maybe~" He replied, turning back around to head towards the food, missing the small smile that had spread across Namjoon's face.

Now understanding what Namjoon was getting at, he gently kicked at the younger male's ankle. In return, Namjoon lightly squeezed Seokjin's member through his sweatpants, causing Seokjin to have to quickly bite his lip to prevent a moan from coming out.

Namjoon continued to stimulate Seokjin, alternating between rubbing and squeezing Seokjin through his clothes before eventually slipping his hand into his pants for a proper hand job. It was at this point that Seokjin's brain decided to randomly tune into the conversation in an attempt to prevent the male from completely losing himself to the pleasure. "So how did you and Seokjin meet?" Namjoon asked Yoongi, and Seokjin wanted to smack the male for being able to sound completely put together as if he wasn't currently making Seokjin fall apart. "I don't think either of y'all have ever told me."

"We were put together as roommates freshman year, and by the end of it I still didn't complete hate him, so we decided to just stick together." Yoongi responded nonchalantly, still breathing somewhat heavily.

"Freshman year?" Namjoon's voice was laced with confusion. "But I thought he was a year below you." Namjoon glanced over at Seokjin, his hand movements faltering. "You're a sophomore, right?"

Seokjin nodded, feeling himself go soft at the memory of the events that lead to hi current standing in school and life in general. "Yeah, I had to take a gap year for...personal reasons." He quickly gathered up his supplies and shoved them into his backpack as Namjoon finally pulled his hand away. "I gotta go, I forgot that my psychology class is having a study session for extra credit." Seokjin rushed out of the library, leaving Yoongi and Namjoon watching him, one in understanding and one in confusion.

Namjoon didn't even get the chance to ask Yoongi what that was about before Yoongi was glaring at him. "Next time I agree to let you study with us, can you not give Seokjin a hand job right in front of me? I do not need to see my roommate's orgasm face."

Namjoon sent him a flat look. "You're one to talk~" Yoongi scoffed in offense. "I say Jimin 'drop' his pen right before I sat down."

Yoongi immediately averted his gaze and few moments later, Jimin's head popped up from under the table. "Hi, Namjoon~" The freshman feigned shyness as he stood up and picked up his backpack. "You can't really blame me though, sucking dick calms my test anxiety. Speaking of which," he quickly leaned down and stole a kiss from Yoongi, who was now turning red, "I really have to go now so I don't miss my exam time."

Namjoon continued to smirk at Yoongi after Jimin had disappeared, prompting the older male to throw a pencil at him. "Shut up~"

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