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After their third date, Junghwan officially asked Seokjin to his boyfriend, and of course he accepted. He was elated, finally having his first ever boyfriend, but he also felt there was something missing. Sure, Junghwan checked all the boxes, sent him good morning texts, walked him to class, surprised him with his favorite coffee, and the list went on. But Seokjin found himself not fully enjoying those acts quite as much as he always thought he would.

Another aspect of his life that wasn't going as he thought it would: Namjoon. He'd always assumed that he and the male would remain friends, given just how much they had bonded during their arrangement. But other than occasional conversations during class, the two didn't interact very much at all. Seokjin left their shared class with a tight chest every time, confused as to why he was feeling the way he was.

Eventually, the semester came to an end, their professor reminding them of their 7:30 exam time that Monday at the end of their last class meeting. "Good luck~" Seokjin looked up from where he was packing his backpack, eyes wide as he couldn't remember the last time Namjoon had talked to him other than about the work they were doing in class. "Although I don't think you'll need it. You've been doing really well."

Seokjin nodded slightly, thinking about all the As he had received in the class, even after Namjoon's tutoring came to a halt. "Thanks. I would wish you luck, but I know you won't have any problems acing the final." The conversation dwindled after that, Namjoon leaving seconds later with his backpack over his shoulder.

Final day came and Seokjin was one of the first people in the room, as being late to exams always gave him anxiety. He watched his classmates trickle in, suddenly tensing when Namjoon appeared. He subconsciously licked his lips at the sight of Namjoon in sweatpants, a t-shirt that accentuated his chest, messy hair, and those reading glasses that Seokjin had only ever seen resting on the male's bedside table. He felt a burning in the pit of his stomach before he ripped his gaze away from the male, shaking his head to rid himself of those thoughts. Stop, you have a boyfriend, he scolded himself, risking one more glance towards Namjoon before focusing his attention on the pencil drawings on his desk.

He tried his best to ignore Namjoon for the entirety of the exam session, but soon found it extremely difficult. Anytime a specific 'activity' was mentioned in a question, Seokjin found himself thinking back to when he and Namjoon had tried it out, or fantasized about what would happen if they ever had gotten to try it out. By the time he finally finished the test and turned it in, his cheeks were flushed and he was semi hard. It didn't help that he could feel Namjoon's gaze on him as he rushed out of the room.

"There's my baby!" Junghwan exclaimed as he stood up from the bench he had been waiting for Seokjin on. Seokjin found himself wanting to cringe at the pet name, but he wasn't sure why as he remembered loving it when...the other one called him that. "How did it go?"

"I think it went well." Seokjin said, letting the other male pull him into a hug. "I know I got at least a B, so I'm satisfied."

Junghwan kissed him on the cheek. "That's great! I have my own exam to get to now, but I wanna cook you dinner at my apartment tonight. To celebrate the end of the semester."

Seokjin nodded, giving his boyfriend a smile. "That sounds fun~" Junghwan smiled back at him, giving him a quick kiss before running off towards his exam location.


Seokjin was being pressed into Junghwan's bed as the male trailed kisses down his neck. He braced himself for the male to leave a mark, but ended up sighing in disappointment when the male brushed over his collarbone without even a hint of teeth, as he always did whenever they made out. Junghwan's hand slipped under his shirt, and normally that's when Seokjin would stop things as he had yet to be in the mood to have sex with his boyfriend, but today he didn't. Instead, he was lost in his thoughts trying to figure out why he didn't want to have sex with him.

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