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"You're really cute, you know that?" Seokjin felt his cheeks burn as he hid his face in his coffee mug, not even able to thank Junghwan for the compliment as he was so flustered. Their coffee date had started a little over half an hour before and they had spent the entirety up until that point getting to know each other, talking about their majors and what they hoped to do in the future with them. They had fallen into a brief pause in the conversation when Junghwan had suddenly complimented him. "What, don't tell me you don't already know that."

Seokjin shrugged, picking at his sweater sleeve. "I may have been told that before..." Seokjin trailed off, suddenly thinking back to the first time he had ever spoken to Namjoon. He shook his head slightly, wondering why he was thinking about Namjoon when he was on a date with someone else. "So-" He was suddenly cut off from asking Junghwan more about his classes as a theatre major by his phone ringing. He rolled his eyes when he saw Yoongi's name on the screen. "It's just my roommate," Seokjin informed his date as his phone finally went black again. "Anyway, I was wanting to know more about-" His phone started ringing again. "I am so sorry," Seokjin looked apologetically at Junghwan before answering the call. "What?!" He barked out, surprised when Jimin's voice rang through the phone again.

"Please come home! It's an emergency!"

Before Seokjin could ask for more details, the younger male had hung up. "I'm sorry, it seems there's a problem at home."

Junghwan stood up along with Seokjin. "No problem, we'll just have to finish this conversation over dinner. This Saturday?"

Seokjin's cheeks flushed and he nodded shyly. "Saturday sounds great." He said quietly, bidding the male goodbye before rushing to his apartment.


"Where's the fire?!" Seokjin exclaimed as soon as he entered the apartment, feeling anger rise up when he was met with Yoongi and Namjoon calmly sitting at the table working and Jimin pouting on the couch. "Wait, so there's no emergency?" He asked as Jimin stood up and bounced over to him.

"Oh no, there totally is." Jimin took Seokjin by the hand and started pulling him further into the apartment. "And I'm so glad you're here to fix it." Jimin pointed to the working pair. "My boyfriend is ignoring me for some lame project."

"A project that is worth half my grade." Yoongi shot back without missing a beat.

Seokjin felt his eye twitch. "I left my date because Yoongi is doing homework?"

Jimin shrugged. "I was bored~"

"And you couldn't call Taehyung, your self-proclaimed soulmate, instead?" Seokjin's volume rose the tiniest bit with the question.

Jimin rolled his eyes slightly. "I informed him that Yoongi once gave me five orgasms in one night and he kicked me out so he could have sex marathon with Jungkook and try to break that record."

Namjoon looked at Yoongi with wide eyes. "Five?" The other male gave the tiniest nod in confirmation, and Namjoon held his hand up. Yoongi wordlessly high fived him before turning back to their project.

Seokjin threw his hands in the air in frustration as he stormed over to the couch. "I can't believe I left in the middle of a date for this."

The youngest in the room snorted. "Must not have been that great of a date if you were willing to leave."

Seokjin glared at him. "For your information, it was a very nice date, and we're going out again on Saturday. I only left because I thought one of my friends could possibly be dying! Since, you know, that's typically what an emergency entails!"

Jimin didn't bother responding, joining Seokjin on the couch in silence until Yoongi broke it a few minutes later. "Alright, break time~" He stood up and, without another word, grabbed Jimin by the hand, tugging him towards his bedroom while the younger male smiled at what was to come.

Once Namjoon and Seokjin were left alone, Seokjin felt some kind of awkwardness seep into the room. He didn't understand why, as even if he did get flustered around the male quite often, he had never actually felt awkward around him. "So," Namjoon eventually said, clicking the end of his pen. "You're going out with this guy again?" Seokjin nodded. "On Saturday~"

Seokjin froze slightly at that, suddenly realizing that Saturdays had always been reserved for Namjoon's lessons. "Yeah, we're having dinner on Saturday night."

Namjoon nodded, an unreadable expression crossing his face. "So, I guess that's it then."

Understanding exactly what Namjoon was talking about, Seokjin nodded. "Yeah, I guess it is~" A tightness spread through his stomach that he didn't recognize, so he shook it off. "Thank you, though. I truly do appreciate it, and I always will."

Namjoon didn't respond, glancing at his watch. "I need to go, I just remembered I promised Hoseok I'd help him with something."

Seokjin quietly bid him goodbye, watching him go with a feeling in his chest that he could only describe as emptiness. But he didn't know why.


Seokjin felt as giddy as a kindergartener as Junghwan walked him back to his apartment after their second date. "So, am I right to assume that we'll be doing this again, maybe this Friday?"

The sophomore nodded with a smile, his ears slightly burning. "Yeah, definitely~"

Junghwan smiled back at him and Seokjin was about to bid him goodbye when the male suddenly pressed his lips to his. Seokjin's eyes widened, as he was used to being asked for permission first 90% of the time he was kissed. Then he remembered that Namjoon was the only person he'd ever kissed and that not everyone had the same style as him.

Pushing the male to the back of his mind, Seokjin closed his eyes, kissing Junghwan back. The kiss was nice, he thought, Junghwan had soft lips, and he wasn't a bad kisser. But Seokjin found that the male used just a little bit too much tongue and didn't nibble enough for his taste. It was those findings that caused Seokjin to pull away from the kiss. "Goodnight~" He said, waving at the male before stepping into his apartment.

He said hello to the couple sitting on the couch as he made his way to his bedroom. "How was it?" Jimin asked with a tone that Seokjin couldn't quite place.

"It was nice~" Seokjin said, but from the look on Jimin's face he knew the younger wanted more details. "We're going out again on Friday and...he kissed me." Seokjin wasn't sure why he hesitated to share that last bit of information. "I'm gonna head on to bed. Goodnight~"

Yoongi glanced over at Jimin once Seokjin was gone. "Stop." He stated, poking Jimin's bottom lip that had settled into a pout.

"But it's not right!" Jimin whined, keeping his voice quiet so as not to disturb Seokjin. "He's in love with Namjoon! And Namjoon's in love with him!"

"You don't know that for sure."

Jimin frantically nodded his head. "Yes, I do! I can tell from the way Seokjin's eyes light up whenever he's around or someone mentions him!" Yoongi sighed. "And I know you saw the way Namjoon pouted and sighed while glancing over at Seokjin's bedroom door every few seconds after he left for the last date!" Yoongi sighed as he realized his boyfriend was right. "Seokjin's supposed to be with him! Not this Junghwan guy!"

Yoongi rubbed Jimin's side, pulling him closer to cuddle. "We have to let them figure it out for themselves. Which means no more calling Seokjin from my phone with fake emergencies just to get him to leave his date." Jimin giggled while Yoongi playfully glared at him. "Seriously, what were you thinking?"

Jimin shrugged. "I just want my OTP together."

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