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Seokjin was exiting the library when he bumped into someone. "I'm so sorry-"

"We just keep running into each other like this." Seokjin looked up to see Junghwan smiling at him.

"Oh, hi, Junghwan~" Seokjin's cheeks began to heat up in the presence of the male.

"You sure you're not stalking me or something?" Seokjin began to stammer at Junghwan's question, making the other male laugh. "I'm just teasing you."

Seokjin's blush deepened. "Oh...haha..."

Junghwan chuckled again. "Do you wanna go get coffee sometime?"

Seokjin's eyes widened. "You want to get coffee with me?"

Junghwan shrugged slightly. "Or dinner. Whichever you prefer."

A small smile began to stretch across Seokjin's face. "Sure, I'd like that~"

"Great!" Junghwan then pulled out his phone and asked Seokjin to put in his number so that he could text him later about the date.

Seokjin practically ran back to his apartment, ready to gush to Yoongi about his first ever date, only for the sight of a letter addressed to him in familiar handwriting sitting on the floor by the door to change his mood completely. He ripped open the envelope, frustration taking over him with every word he read. By the time he was finished, an unfamiliar fire was burning deep in his gut and there was only one person that could put it out.


"Hobi, I'm heading out to work on my project with Yoongi!" Namjoon called out to his roommate as he pulled his jacket on, getting a grunt of acknowledgment in return. As he walked towards the door, his mouth began salivating at the thought of the hot bowl of ramen from the shop just down the street. He opened the door, but before he could step into the hallway, someone was throwing themselves at him and pressing their lips together.

He was able to pull out of the embrace just long enough to recognize Seokjin as his attacker but wasn't able to question him as Seokjin pulled him back immediately. Namjoon indulged Seokjin, kissing him back until he felt the older's tongue prodding at his bottom lip. "Seokjin-" He didn't even get to ask him what was going on before Seokjin was interrupting him.

"I need you to fuck me."

Namjoon's eyes widened at Seokjin's blunt words, not used to the older male being so outspoken. "Ooh, am I finally getting that show?" Namjoon looked over his shoulder to see Hoseok waggling his eyebrows at the pair, then back at Seokjin, who still had that expectant look on his face. Shooting a small glare of annoyance at his roommate, Namjoon took Seokjin by the hand and dragged him off to his bedroom

Once alone with the door closed, Namjoon spoke to Seokjin. "I didn't realize we had a session today."

Seokjin shrugged. "Not officially, but now I'm horny and I need your dick, so let's go."

Namjoon nearly choked on his own saliva at Seokjin's brashness, only able to watch in shock as the older male settled on his bed. "Uh, I was about to go get dinner, so do you mind if I just go give Hoseok some money really quick to go pick it up? I'll be right back~" Seokjin gave a slight nod and Namjoon rushed out of his room.

"No show?" Hoseok asked with a pout as the taller male arrived back in the living room.

"Not for you~" Namjoon pulled some cash out of his wallet and shoved it into his roommate's hand. "Go get me some food."

Namjoon was halfway back to his room when Hoseok called out to him. "Might wanna hurry and turn Daddy Joon on, or else Seokjin will have to encounter the actual Namjoon for the first time." Namjoon shot Hoseok a glance, but only saw his back as he left their apartment.

Namjoon turned back to his bedroom door and took a few deep breaths, closing his eyes until he got into his headspace for sex. Once he was there, he pushed open the door and was met with the sight of Seokjin lying on his back, fully nude and pushing two of his fingers into his tight hole.

From there it was blur as it usually was for Namjoon when he had sex, just aware enough to make sure Seokjin was comfortable and still consenting to what was happening, but far enough into his persona that he didn't have to worry about turning into his actual awkward, dorky self.

When he finally started to come down, reverting back to his normal self, he and Seokjin were lying side by side, breathing heavily. He rolled onto his side, wrapping his arm around Seokjin and caressing where his thigh met his ass, rubbing the reddened skin from where he barely remembered smacking the male a couple of times. Seokjin winced slightly from the sensitive area, but still curled into Namjoon more to accept his cuddles. "I didn't expect you to hit so hard," Namjoon was already opening his mouth to apologize, but Seokjin kept speaking, "but I also didn't expect to enjoy it so much."

Namjoon felt his cheeks begin to heat up, similarly to Seokjin's he guessed from the way the older male's cheeks were beginning to turn pink. He cleared his throat and asked, "So what was that about? I've never seen you like that before."
Seokjin shrugged, his cheeks becoming even more red as he answered quietly. "I'm not sure. One second I was really frustrated over something, and the next all I could think about was getting over here and having sex."

"Ah, so you're the type that likes to fuck the stress away." Namjoon teased Seokjin, running his fingers up to his waist to tickle him until Seokjin pushed him away while giggling.

"Is that a thing?"

"Oh, it's totally a thing." Namjoon returned his arm to its previous position and pulled Seokjin closer to him. "What had you so stressed out?"

Seokjin's first instinct was to brush off Namjoon's question, but then he met the younger male's gaze and he was overcome with an immense feeling of safety and trust. It was then that he knew he could trust Namjoon with what was going on in his personal life. "It was my father." Seokjin lowered his gaze a bit, fixating on the freckle on Namjoon's chest that he had come to grow very fond of as he continued speaking. "Remember how I told you that I realized I was gay after I started college?" He felt Namjoon nod slightly. "Well, my father didn't react too well when he found out. We got into a big screaming match over it, and while we were arguing, I also confessed that I wasn't studying business like he thought, and that was apparently the last straw for him. He refused to continue paying for my schooling, and that's also the reason why I took that gap year." He met Namjoon's gaze again. "I had to take a year off to try to figure out how to pay my tuition. I didn't even think I was going to be able to come back this year, but at the last minute I was offered a scholarship."

"And I'm assuming that's why you were late registering and ended up in our seminar?" Seokjin nodded in response to Namjoon's question. "So, did something else happen that go you so particularly stressed out today?"

Seokjin groaned at the thought of the letter he'd opened earlier. "My dad sent me a letter, which first of all who even does that anymore when we have cell phones that you can text or call with." Namjoon couldn't help but chuckle a bit at Seokjin's mini rant. "Anyway, the letter basically said that he was tired of my 'rebellious phase' and that he's insisting I return home and speak to a professional so I can 'get back on track'."

Namjoon was quiet for a moment as he processed all that Seokjin had told him. When he finally responded, it was with, "Your dad's an asshole."

Seokjin snorted and began to giggle. "Yeah, he really is." He smiled up at Namjoon's, and the younger male felt a warm sensation spread out from his chest, all the way down to his toes and up to the top of his head. He found himself leaning closer to Seokjin, but before their lips could meet, Seokjin blurted out, "I got asked out on a date today."

Namjoon pulled back and tried to compose himself as the warmth suddenly disappeared from his body. "Oh, really?"

Seokjin nodded. "I don't know if it'll go anywhere or anything, but in case it does...I just wanted to let you know...with our whole...whatever you call this."

"Right, of course," Namjoon nodded in agreement. He felt an awkwardness beginning to settle, so he quickly jumped up from the bed before it could. "Hobi should be back with the food by now. Are you hungry, do you want anything?"

"Yeah, sure~" Seokjin answered, watching Namjoon dress himself. He felt unsettled by Namjoon's reaction to him going on a date, but he couldn't figure out why.

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