Chapter 29

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The next day in the story.

When I returned to my room yesterday I tried to contact Jisoo. But he has still been offline. He didn't even respond to my messages. I got worried about him more than before, but now I've been here again.

Minghao approached me suddenly. He looked different. "Could you go with me?" he asked quickly. "I have to tell you something," he added.

I nodded, following him to his house.

"Sit down."

I sat down on the couch.

He also sat on the couch across from me. With a sigh, he looked at me. "You need to know something, Hansol. You've fulfilled just half of your destiny," he hesitated for a moment. "There is still the second part of your destiny."

I furrowed my eyebrows. "What is that?"

He bowed his head. After a while, he looked at me again with a slight frown. "To be a new king."

"What?"I asked confused. "But that means I have to marry a prince!" I shouted, frightened. "Please tell me it's just a dream..."

Minghao shook his head. "I'm sorry, Hansol. I lied to you..."

I hesitated for a moment. I didn't know what to say. Then someone entered the living room. I turned around to see Jeonghan with an uncertain smile. He looked at me and then he turned his eyes to Minghao. "He knows about it, right?"

Minghao nodded.

Jeonghan sat down on the sofa with a sigh. "So... First of all, I 'm sorry, Hansol," he said quietly with a gulp. "I knew about the whole destiny because I know everything."

"Jeonghan's right," he added. "He really knows everything about us all. But he also has his own secrets..."

I slightly nodded. "I get it, but why didn't you tell me about that?"

"I couldn't tell you that..."

 I frowned. "Fine... And if you excuse me, I have to go for some fresh air." I got up and went out of the house as fast as possible. I took a deep breath. Then I turned slowly towards the castle. And then headed to the park which had shown me the prince.

After a while, I reached my destination. I sat down on the nearest bench and closed my eyes. But suddenly I felt someone's presence. The person sat down beside me on the bench.

"Do you know it, right?"

I nodded. I heard a sigh. I slowly opened my eyes and turned my head with a little frown. "Did you know about that?"

He nodded. "Yeah... Everyone knew about your full destiny." He looked away for a moment and then turned his head back to me. "But... I know it's a really bad time, but I've always wanted to say I love you."

I froze for a few seconds. "You... You love me?"

With a little smile, he nodded. "Mhm." He smiled. "Your destiny is to have a wedding with me, but-" he stopped for a while and bowed his head.

"But what?"

He sighed. "You have to choose."

I furrowed my eyebrows. "Between what?"

"Either you will live here forever or you will return to your world without being able to return to us..." Seungkwan looked at me with a sad look. "You have to choose now, Sol... There is not much time..."

I took a deep breath. "I don't know what to do, Seungkwan... I want to remain here, but I can't leave my only friend, who is waiting for me in my world."

"I understand, Hansol..."

"Can I go back to my world and say goodbye to him?"

Seungkwan shook his head. "It's not possible. You need to choose now. I'm really sorry, Hansol."

I looked at the clear sky. "I want to remain here, Seungkwan..." 

I'm sorry, Jisoo. I disappointed you... But you have to understand me, here is a person I love so much. I can't just leave him. I love you as my best friend, you'll always remind in my heart, my beloved older brother.

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